Sunday, January 24, 2010


Baby girl, you and me
Are from different galaxies
It's okay though
When we're together and we shine like that
We'll make them take that back

Look at us babe, we're shining down
You'll never see us with a frown
Not a day goes
When I don't thank the stars for her
I've never ever been so sure

[Verse 1]
It all started way back two thousand eight
When I met a girl who made me feel great
She had food for thought, a lot on my plate
Her path was curved whiles others was straight
A different way of thinking, I came to see
And soon enough she could see right through me!
Back when school started, checking out my classes
The I started checking out this girl with glasses
She had a beauty that was kind of classy classic
Not at all masses, sweeter than molasses
Skin complexion perfection, it's what I like
Brown hair everywhere, shy and polite
Eyes that would literally leave you breathless
Awake all night man she made me restless
And I would act a fool around her, almost headless
But I gave it a shot and I sent her a message

Baby girl, you and me
Are from different galaxies
It's okay though
When we're together and we shine like that
We'll make them take that back

Look at us babe, we're shining down
You'll never see us with a frown
Not a day goes
When I don't thank the stars for her
I've never ever been so sure

[Verse 2]
She was so beautiful she left me gasping
So nervous around her, left me gum flapping
Now you should know I do my rap thing
But my girl here, she was mad scene!
Punk rock chick, with the emo hairstyle
But hell, doesn't matter cause she had this smile
That could end wars right at that moment
It could cure cancer three times: it's so potent
Now the conflict in the beginning was this
She had a boyfriend, but I took a risk
If she didn't like me, ya know, I wouldn't trip
She was mad cool as a friend and so hip
But, one day events finally transpired
And she and her ex finally expired
We watched Twilight in the back of the theater
And ever since then I only want to see her!

Baby girl, you and me
Are from different galaxies
It's okay though
When we're together and we shine like that
We'll make them take that back

Look at us babe, we're shining down
You'll never see us with a frown
Not a day goes
When I don't thank the stars for her
I've never ever been so sure

[Verse 3]
A mis-matched couple, sure a little weird
We were how the British would call very queer
But I didn't care and neither did she
Even supports me and my dreams to MC
I took a shot and she gave me a chance
Went from baggy clothes to fitting pants
Even went to the dance, yeah I went formal
Indeed she has saved my poor soul
Fast forward four hundred and twenty one days
And we're still as strong whenever you hit play
Skip some chapters, we're still masters
We kick ass at relationships: not fake or plaster!
I could say a million words and a thousand phrases
I could tell you all the stories and the places
But to get the true meaning of our love
Look up, we're shining down like the moon above

Baby girl, you and me
Are from different galaxies
It's okay though
When we're together and we shine like that
We'll make them take that back

Look at us babe, we're shining down
You'll never see us with a frown
Not a day goes
When I don't thank the stars for her
I've never ever been so sure

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Check In

[Verse 1]
Every morning I wake up and I basically lie there
With tight eyes, like wise, or a wide stare
Grab my phone and I send a text to my dearest
Automatically I get spirit and think in lyrics
I hop in the shower for bout half an hour
Minus ten minutes so when I finish
I get in it, my fitted, look in the mirror: no blemish
Methodically set up my gear like a chemist
Watch on the wrist with my favorite necklace
Check it, put on my kicks and then I wreck this
Eat some breakfast and then I prepare my lunch
But since I go to school its earlier, so I think it's brunch!
Gotta get caffeine in my bloodstream
Empty my tea, fix my jeans and get dishes clean
Start the car to warm it up and wait in shotgun
Going to school to get some knowledge and drop some!

Reality Check 1,2,1,2
Reality Check 1,2,1,2
Reality Check 1,2,1,2
Before we get to three, check in with me!

Reality Check 1,2,1,2
Reality Check 1,2,1,2
Reality Check 1,2,1,2
Before we get to three, check in with me!

[Verse 2]
Early if I'm lucky for extra time with my honey
And then off to first period, I love it, not being funny
English is my thing cause I can start rhyming
And the timing is Macbeth so I'm a Scot King!
I shake a stick at Shakespeare and my fist at math
I can't divide by half and I just do not like stats
Nothing against numbers, but really, I wonder
If I don't learn Pre-Calc I going to be a blunder?
That's great that an explanation mark means factorial
But why do I care about some weird polynomials?
No math tutorial, I'm just far too bored
The monotony is torn for periods third and fourth
A rapper slash actor in the flesh. Fresh!
I learned in Drama is that I will always say yes
I improv from the top with lack of oxygen
And finally I get lunch before I feel too boxed in

Reality Check 1,2,1,2
Reality Check 1,2,1,2
Reality Check 1,2,1,2
Before we get to three, check in with me!

Reality Check 1,2,1,2
Reality Check 1,2,1,2
Reality Check 1,2,1,2
Before we get to three, check in with me!

[Verse 3]
Bell rings, ding. Late to fifth period
I walk my girl to class and climb up the pyramid
3 flights of stairs is putting a strain on my lungs
Ironically it's health, I don't play dumb
Forget history, sixth is now chemistry
Mixing ingredients and science seems dead to me
But really when it comes to this I'm hardly able
That periodic table does not look stable
Last period I stumble in as the bell starts to yell
And I can tell that the nothing in here excels
Chinese might be the biggest time waster
10 years with this class, talk about us placers
Finally pack up and time to go home alone
Carrying text books like tablets made of stone
Finish the homework and get on Facebook
Sneak call my baby and sleep: my day in a look!

Reality Check 1,2,1,2
Reality Check 1,2,1,2
Reality Check 1,2,1,2
Before we get to three, check in with me!

Reality Check 1,2,1,2
Reality Check 1,2,1,2
Reality Check 1,2,1,2
Before we get to three, check in with me!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Darkly Dreaming

Do you hear that bumping bass?
That's my heart beating in my face
The organ boxing inside my chest
I wonder if you can see rumbling flesh
I see it lying on this table
Tied down with cords and cables
Mics hung around from the ceiling
And broken earbuds to create feeling
Stacks of CDs as tall as a man
Tattered reports that read SoundScan
EPs neatly tucked away
The packaged vinyls just wanna play
Albums and mixtapes are scattered
But theres only one thing that matters
Laying in front of me neatly gift wrapped
Is a shiny new production track

They call me a murderer, a killer
But I consider my self a pillar
If their owners don't put them down
Then I should lay some of my sound
Ritual first: all preparation
First I pick a destination
A quiet location, no background noise
A perfect place to store my toys
And then, we find a target
Only the sick ones are on market
Once you're trained: you can hear them
But to an amateur: they all sound blend
Do some research, know your enemy
Know it's history and it's memories
My victims are never chosen randomly
They provide me a sort of remedy

You put the beat in lock down
Make sure don't talk sound
You then put it on pause
Know your reason. Know your cause
Place it on the CD reader
Get ready to turn up the speaker
First feel out it's thoughts
What colors? Cold or hot?
Analyze every single drum beat
808 or just some dumb cheat?
Listen to the piercing treble
Before you send it to the Devil
Before you pack it inside crates
You feel its heart beat bass
Get out your tools of destruction
Time to lay waste to the production

Make sure you go and press play
And it has everything you say
Then you click on the solemn stop
That's how you make the Hip-Hop

Sunday, January 3, 2010


So, if you haven't noticed, I have a girlfriend, cleverly nicknamed "Margo." If you've read any books by John Green, you should know whats the reference of my name and hers. We've been going out for quite a while and I just thought it'd be fun to write about her cause a.) I love her and b.) I kinda like embarrassing her. :D

So we've been going out for a year and a month or so and that's good! We're kind of an odd couple, but I guess we like it that way. It's a strange dynamic, but it's a strong one at that. I think we're entertaining enough. We might act really weird and make things awkward for other people, but hey, it happens.

She's real real cute and kind of shy. But if you get to know her, or if she gets comfortable around you enough, she'll be sure to show you how she really is.

We have a lot of weird little rituals accompanied by those dumb little songs and dances, but I like em. Maybe that's just an opinion of a whipped boyfriend.

We're not really a couple you'd see very often. But I think that's what makes it work. Opposites attract right? Not saying we're completely different, but enough to keep it spicy. And similar enough to keep it feeling like home. Like a home cooked meal. I'm hungry right now. She makes some good grilled cheese samiches. (Yes, I did spell Sandwich like that.)

I think this is gonna be a frequent installment on this blog. So let's call this Margo 1... Or maybe I'll think of something more creative.

But I think we'd have an awesome YouTube series. We have interesting conversations to say the least.

Lightning On Various Elements
Lake Ocean Valley Earth
Little Offerings Valiant Entities
Laser Occurrence Varnishing Eternally.

:) [:

Friday, January 1, 2010

Flying Nothing

Check out my reflection in different directions
All clear no matter my complexion is
Listen to obscure references like old librarians
Back to the future in a delorean or other variants
I am failing this so when I get aided I stated
With my wiped slate then I am contemplated
I'm feeling over analytical, by far very critical
They're acting cynical, I believe in miracles
Like on 34th street, so instead it's this beat
I am not complete but I will not have defeat
In fact, I'm inglorious like bastards
Get this CD mastered to the masses faster
If I talk about drug dealing or hot wheeling
Will the fans and the records have a good feeling?
But I don't have any of that inside myself
What's a boy to do? Share my lyrical wealth.

I'm starting over. But this is not my closer:
This is my opener. I am not a poser.
I look in the mirror and I see clearer
Multiple identities getting much purer

Alter egos are starting the rising
The rest can run, only one is flying
Only one is flying
Yo, one is flying.

I'm just an anti-hero, kind of like Dexter
But instead Professor, this is my lecture
And my conjecture is in reality my recital
With more verses than the Bible, I start to file
Like a trial that will render as I dismember
You're a small fry, I'm a giant bender: return to sender
Does not compute, I silence you, put it on mute
I'm a remote controller here with no dispute
I'm messing up rewind buttons with this something
Because my lyrics are busting, much to trusting
And you're wearing out the fast forward
You're never heard and what you say is quite absurd
My interns could you make your own words burn
Yearn for a spot in my term, better go learn
Get schooled you fool, I'm the principle
It's quite simple though: this will be biblical

I'm starting over. But this is not my closer:
This is my opener. I am not a poser.
I look in the mirror and I see clearer
Multiple identities getting much purer

Alter egos are starting the rising
The rest can run, only one is flying
Only one is flying
Yo, one is flying.

My lyrics are similar to hieroglyphics, pivots
Moves and grooves, has class like High School Civics
I rip it like Trail Blazer veterans, I'm better than
Most of your temperaments, don't even mention them
I split em then into dividends
These simpletons are shaking heads back and forth like Wimbledon
I layer my songs with a kind of eligible treble
So for the rebels I pedal my stern mettle
I speak non fiction kind of diction with no friction
But have an addiction to writing with yellow dixons
I break the rap factions into bad fractions
I'm laying on a track like my back got traction
I punch lines and kick track lists backless
So when they get maskless it turns out tactless
I practice with massive tactics that turn a wack diss
Into a masterless attack that gets cracked with this

I'm starting over. But this is not my closer:
This is my opener. I am not a poser.
I look in the mirror and I see clearer
Multiple identities getting much purer

Alter egos are starting the rising
The rest can run, only one is flying
Only one is flying
Yo, one is flying.