Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Make Believe

[Verse 1]
Let's pretend that all of the success really happens
Let's pretend and say that I make a career out of rappin
And not even just spitting words through the radio
Not even watching the videos and disregarding my flow
Let's pretend my music leaves a real lasting impression
And the musical depression turns back into jam sessions
Let's pretend that the lyrical content was deeper than that
Deeper than quote on quote rap, deeper than the sale stats
Let's pretend my album generates worldwide buzz
Have generations pondering and wishing they could do what I does
Let's pretend I start a movement, more than improvement
In the mental home front, now everyone is less prudent
Seeking knowledge like students, we constantly are aware
And right there, from my music that I handled with care
Let's pretend that I actually make it and I do it till the end
How wonderful it would be, c'mon, let's pretend

[Verse 2]
Let's pretend that the ink in my pen ran dry already
That I never even attempted to make rhymes steady
Let's pretend I had no ambition to continue this dream
And we can pretend that I already had that self-esteem
Let's pretend that I already had all the girls I asked
And I never had to keep my emotions bottle and masked
We can pretend that I didn't write to release deep secrets
Nor did I have problems rooted in myself deep seeded
Let's keep pretending that I never liked music all too much
That I never once heard a chord that had my heart touched
We can say that I always had my way and never had problems
That I was entrapped with what were goon to goblins
Let's pretend I had no desire to recite my writtens
And failing twice bitten left me more than frost bitten
We can pretend that I just didn't ever have that passion
Let's pretend that I never even dreamed of it to happen

[Verse 3]
Now let's pretend that a kid from Portland tried to MC
And we can pretend that his stage name was Takumi
We can pretend he got it from one of his favorite books
We can pretend that he worries his moniker gets mistook
And then let's pretend he instills in his raps his upbringing
Which does not include good singing or crack flinging
Let's pretend he tries to do real good at school
And we can pretend that he hopes he comes of real cool
And that around his friends, he is maybe well-liked
But he never knows because pretend he's worried bout spite
Because let's say his confidence was never very high
And he was wondering if his competence was just a lie
Pretend he wanted to make music so he could be heard
Pretend he embraced his brain and his aura of nerd
Pretend his words over tracks had people head bobbin
Pretend his first mixtape was pow like Batman and Robin
And we can keep on weaving this fictional tale
But I bet you're getting bored listening to this kid wail
But if we can pretend one more time, if you will
That you wanted to hear the quill and if this kid's ill
Or if you wanted to listen to his hustle and struggle
And maybe see this boy rise and see him start as a bubble
Then maybe for once you're in for a surprise
You don't have to pretend, just open your eyes.

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