Monday, February 14, 2011

Stuck in the Middle

Let me introduce you to a couple friends of mine
If you don't mind, but you'll like em just fine
The first one is Valor, he goes by a lotta names
He ignites with great passion, he's fire and the flames
The type of dude that dedicates his entire fiber
He's the dude that makes me a street fighter in ciphers
He never really gets tired, but strives unbelievable
It's hard to keep up with him, the man is deep in soul
I like to call him Strength, he's such an omni-don
His name is also Confidence, he is my confidant
The only thing is that he gets outta control every now and then
Loud and likes to stand out and never blend
You see, Valor is kind of insecure, though he hides it well
He's always happy on the outside, but it's hard to tell
He's got a couple problems, but all and all, in the end
I need Valor and he's one of my closest friends

You've got some friends? Well me too
They're imaginary but not see through
I'm not trying to speak in riddle
But with all of my friends, I'm stuck somewhere in the middle

You've got some friends? Well me too
They're imaginary but not see through
I'm not trying to speak in riddle
But with all of my friends, I'm stuck somewhere in the middle

[Verse 2]
Reason is the brain of the bunch, the higher level thinking
Always tea drinking never letting time be sinking
He's high-effective, directed, with intelligence generous
Never letting it become irrelevant
Reason, he drops knowledge on the vapid fools
Staying calm, collected and cool like lapris pools
Valor on the otherhand is all gung-ho
But my man Reason can see when it's good to fly low
Always planning ahead, even if it isn't necessary
And he likes getting that CREAM, the best of dairy!
Reason desires the high-priced high life
But he does know it isn't required to be alive
It's just that Reason doesn't want to be forgotten
He needs to do his greatness before his thoughts turn rotten
Even so, he drops that nerdiness like falling comic books
My friend, you to me are an upside down rook

You've got some friends? Well me too
They're imaginary but not see through
I'm not trying to speak in riddle
But with all of my friends, I'm stuck somewhere in the middle

You've got some friends? Well me too
They're imaginary but not see through
I'm not trying to speak in riddle
But with all of my friends, I'm stuck somewhere in the middle

[Verse 3]
Finally we have the troubled one, we call him Monster
He's like a mix of Valor and Reason unconquered
We've sent him to a doctor, but of course no cure
But's all good, we know him as one of our peers
Sometimes he slips in thoughts that are deemed scary
But his process varies expansive like a library
Monster is a little skitzo on the flow though
He switches to Hero sometimes before he blows yo
And Hero is the virtue and the gleam of brightness
That stand-up good dude that has no likeness
Hero is the person you would describe as flawless
Chilling in the office, so professional no novice
But Hero is Monster and Monster is Hero
And sometimes they all get mixed up and it goes
A bit crazy, a bit unpredictable, and difficult
But hey, these are my friends of my heart, very typical
Valor and Reason, Hero and Monster
If you take a second really to just ponder
You'll realize the song of myself, the balance of opposites
Is just how Takumi is deemed as the moderate

You've got some friends? Well me too
They're imaginary but not see through
I'm not trying to speak in riddle
But with all of my friends, I'm stuck somewhere in the middle

You've got some friends? Well me too
They're imaginary but not see through
I'm not trying to speak in riddle
But with all of my friends, I'm stuck somewhere in the middle

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