Wednesday, November 11, 2009

No More Heroes

No more heroes left in town
Just me sitting in this ol chair, sit down
Let me tell you a tale
The final days where everything has failed
The heroes banded together
Flying through graceful as a feather
Landed at the evil lair
With a layer of justice to serve at the order of the Mayor
But it was a trap!
The villains arose, hear the thunder clap
The lightning streak across the sky
It took our heroes by surprise!
Struck down our warriors one by one
The villains laughed and made horrible puns
Monologued in the faces of their nemesis
They were finally taking precedence

Heroes have fallen. Villains rise.
It seemed like it was our demise.
Days crawled by with no sun in sight
Our city locked in eternal night
A darkness of portions perpetual
But then their actions looked questionable
The villains, contemplated what to do.
Kill them, humiliate, reveal what is true
But they didn't know how to seal their fates
Open up the pearly gates!
Make them watch their city burn
Teach them the lessons they must learn.
And they decided that they will teach
Truly defining what is to practice what you preach
The villains merged into the heart and soul of their enemies
Giving them each and all their memories

And since then, we've painted a many murals:
The day where we realized there are no more villains, no more heroes.

Just us. We decide.

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