Wednesday, December 29, 2010

With the Father

They said "Papa was a rolling stone"
Mine was a boulder keeping a strong tone
He taught me many things without any words
Actions spoke louder and his yelled at me onto the curb
Observe how his turn made mine straight from a swerve
He was born and burned his curse and made it work
Curved every fastball he was pitched to a home-run
And with megatons sold he gave and raised 4 sons
Me being the youngest the most susceptible of the bunch
Last picks at lunch, always getting asked if I want a fruit punch
But these men showed me how to behave rationally
Ignited the flame in my heart and to give passionately
I learned more directly from the Dang brotherhood
But without my father they wouldn't have known what was good
He embed onto us and projected his traits and morals
He hustled and toiled so hard he deserves an angel choral
More over he's a blue collar man with oil stained hands
Worked on those machines despite us telling him we can
He didn't want us living a life of back breaking labor
All of his capers provided paper. He never took from the neighbors
Go to school and get an education is what he told us
Our mind is the gold rush, our thoughts will make girls blush
It was our greatest asset and we shouldn't ruin it
We want to make him proud so damn it, we will prove it!
Hiep Dang gave me my blood, muscle and grind
My entire genetic make up: I'm a genius by design!
His clever genes fit me well as I've gotten bolder
Work harder now so you can relax when you're much older
Coming home late at night I don't see him much
But trust, my father is the kind with the Midas touch
Of course not Superman, he's had some bad luck
But every single time he fell he managed to get back up
Tenacious, fought racists, a life of amazement
He gathered enough money to rise us up from a basement
Now it's my turn to get us into a spaceship
Fly high in my placement, I would never trade this
With him and the love of the family, I'm in the right alignment
It's obvious my assignment is rated at diamond
Before time wind down like the Mayans I get grindin
I'll take after his example of tragedy turned triumph


A masterpiece personified, having guys stop petrified, here I am
I'll get you so mesmerized, have your eyes hypnotized, man oh man
I'm just here to make you testify, it'll be all right
Come here, closer, closer, closer

This girl is a temptress
I just need a sign on what I should do for this
Caught in her eyes I can't let it go
Whether it's right or not I'll have to know
Here goes something.

[Verse 1]
I remember the first time I saw you a couple years back
This girl so cute about to give me a heart attack
I retract, heart locked down in cardiac arrest
And it's not too embarrassing for me to confess
I digress, she was a temptress so seductive
Despite her graceful nature, making mine so unproductive
But firing my soul in places I didn't even know was real!
This right here was something different, had to seal the deal
Regardless of the outcome, it had to be right now
Despite our differences, it was all just lifestyle
Could we make it together? What'cha doing tonight?
Doesn't matter now. It's set in motion alright

A masterpiece personified, having guys stop petrified, here I am
I'll get you so mesmerized, have your eyes hypnotized, man oh man
I'm just here to make you testify, it'll be all right
Come here, closer, closer, closer

This girl is a temptress
I just need a sign on what I should do for this
Caught in her eyes I can't let it go
Whether it's right or not I'll have to know
Here goes something.

[Verse 2]
Now let me paint you a picture so you can apprehend
For her I'd take drastic measures the way a ballot can
Caution ahead because she has dangerous curves
And a witty banter that would make a bumpkin slur
I'd swerve my direction every time she walked by
Having a guy like me try to play it cool and sly
But my magnetic fly almost didn't attract her
So I switched it up genuine and didn't play like an actor
Surprisingly enough she started to enjoy yours truly
I got her melting when I laid down the charm so coolly
You could have fooled me! I was doing it so smoothly
But in fact my heart was erratic and acting so unruly!

A masterpiece personified, having guys stop petrified, here I am
I'll get you so mesmerized, have your eyes hypnotized, man oh man
I'm just here to make you testify, it'll be all right
Come here, closer, closer, closer

This girl is a temptress
I just need a sign on what I should do for this
Caught in her eyes I can't let it go
Whether it's right or not I'll have to know
Here goes something.

Monday, December 27, 2010

A Meeting

[Verse 1]
Girl got a man and he just doesn't understand
Short days, long nights and he doesn't comprehend
Insecure mind that clutches to the porcelain
Parents got divorced and she doesn't feel important
Pitch black night, can't sleep, can't even eat
Barely making it in school, now she has to cheat
Trying to keep up an image of perfection
Friends backstab her, everyone has deception
Planning for her future but it gets way to stressed
Drinking it all away, still, she's a beautiful mess
Bruises represent abusive but she's making up excuses
Doing everything so she doesn't feel useless
Queen: you deserve the title
But here you are shooting me down with your rifle
Cruel and unusual world
She writes all down. Diary of a young girl.

Somewhere I went wrong but
I'm trying to a bit strong
Right now I'm down and out
Just trying to belong
I don't know why but I
Just sit down and cry
Wish I could shed all these tears
Get me out of here

[Verse 2]
Living just to die, spending it all to quickly
It's a pity a girl so pretty living in a world so gritty
More make up to cover her face from the hurt
Cuts on her wrists so she's wearing long sleeved shirts
Shades hiding her eyes filled with pain and sorrow
Looking forward ahead knowing there is no tomorrow
Scarf around her neck to block hand prints
Deep inhales of the cigarettes, posing for a candid
Every night crawls into bed and looks at the ceiling
Extremities numb and cold but her heart still has feeling
Tears stream down her cheeks. They leave a path
Picks up her lamp tosses it and it feels her wrath
Breaking down, meltdown, no one around now
Parents out of town, boyfriend creeping around wow
Doesn't know what to do, her head starts to swirl
She writes it all down. Diary of a young girl

Somewhere I went wrong but
I'm trying to a bit strong
Right now I'm down and out
Just trying to belong
I don't know why but I
Just sit down and cry
Wish I could shed all these tears
Get me out of here

[Verse 3]
Walk into a coffee shop late at night
I tell him keep the change as I slip a five
Glance at the counter and I notice her
5 foot 4 pure beauty and I know she's hurt
Sitting all alone, ran away from home, bag at her side
Frail and delicate, at moments, tears on her face dried
Writing in her notebook, into her own thoughts
I sit right next to her and drink my coffee while it's still hot
She stops sets her pen down and takes a drink
Compelling to exchange words, this is what I think
I talk to her and we converse for hours
4 am and we're still up. This cafe is ours
She gets up and I bid her a long farewell
Whispers in my ear, and something's changed I can tell
Hands me her book, she'll call when she's out and up
Rehab it says in her diary. Young girl, good luck.

Somewhere I went wrong but
I'm trying to a bit strong
Right now I'm down and out
Just trying to belong
I don't know why but I
Just sit down and cry
Wish I could shed all these tears
Get me out of here

Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Road of Trials

I'm traveling on this dusty road of existence
My skin is rough and taut, but my eyes glisten
Hands scarred deep with the tasks of yesterday
Walking for a better day, polishing my life's resume
Legs have been weakened by thousands of steps
My heart reps and lets the body do the rest
Don't mind me, honestly not looking for trouble
But a magnet to this madness, look at it bubble
I arose from the rubble and made it to a hustle
Grind to a science, refined but still have to tussle
Not trying to scuffle but I do more than rebuttals
Smuggled and struggled, dents in my knuckles
Taking broad steps and strides, no longer a shuffle
But taking this path will provide problems, a couple
Nothing in my possession, not a bag nor duffel
This sword edge is doubled, similar to the muscle

I! Travel inside my mind. I'm the problematic type of vagabond kind
I! Undergo tasks to get mine. A series of tests but I'm running out of time
This road of Trials. This road of Trials.
Like I'm defending my life in court on the stand
This road of Trials. This road of Trials.
I'm transforming into something I can't understand

Adversity has raised the stakes to a higher level
I see him glancing and laughing, eying is the Devil
Sign a contract he asks, my problems disappear
But it appears that my fear can never be cured
I feel the ordeals and the appeal of it being released
But the real zeal of this can never be peeled or appeased
Living on threads and fumes, all guts and spirit
My heart and soul, these ghouls are trying to kill it
I'm second guessing myself. True grit and grind
I've got to do it myself. I'm a conqueror by design
Resign the lines because this will make me stronger
All you war mongers will have to wait longer
For my demise and death, I've got extra lives
I'll survive when others died and strive the jive
Where others faced harsh conditions I will thrive
On this Road of lies I'll be the one to open our eyes

I! Travel inside my mind. I'm the problematic type of vagabond kind
I! Undergo tasks to get mine. A series of tests but I'm running out of time
This road of Trials. This road of Trials.
Like I'm defending my life in court on the stand
This road of Trials. This road of Trials.
I'm transforming into something I can't understand

If you want to see what I've seen, use your ears
Listen to the continents and travels right in here
I'm embedding into this track the tracks I've walked
Do you feel the scorching sun on my back along the rocks?
Taste the bitter dust on your tongue blowing by
Feel blessed by the breeze in the clouds flowing high
Golden sun and a silver moon
Pause for a second, enjoy the scenery, then resume
Emerald tree tops that shade the protagonist
Not lacking in this blasphemous rapper spit, grab a bit
Warm yourself around the fire I've created
Twigs and branches ignite the pyres. The warmth gated
A hunger deep in my stomach, be acquainted
Unless feeling jaded, don't elate this. It's all related
Any problem handed to me becomes diminished
Tan-skinned and and second winded, anything I'll finish

I! Travel inside my mind. I'm the problematic type of vagabond kind
I! Undergo tasks to get mine. A series of tests but I'm running out of time
This road of Trials. This road of Trials.
Like I'm defending my life in court on the stand
This road of Trials. This road of Trials.
I'm transforming into something I can't understand

Monday, December 20, 2010

Belly of the Whale

Where am I? I ask myself in this dark room
Take a match from my pocket and light it through the gloom
I look around and try to observe my surroundings
An entirely blank room, yet somewhat astounding
I find a door, painted crimson directly in front of me
Walking slowly toward it but see shadows suddenly
Grab me and sit me down in a chair from nowhere
Tied down, wrists confined, my vision impaired
The tiny flicker of the match goes out and poof
I feel the room close in, from the walls to the roof
Out of the black, another flame is born
Instead of me, who's holding it, hold up, I must be torn
It's me holding the match, am I dreaming or what?
He or I lights a cigarette and then holds it up
I look straight into my eyes and he starts laughing
My cuffs are undone. I feel stuck. No time passing
He or me, is dressed in an all black suit
But it is me isn't it? This fact I can't refute.
He takes another drag and blows three smoke rings
Calmly he pulls a chair and a light from the air and then he brings
Forth a table and sets his feet on it
Out from the ceiling comes down two gin and tonics
Drink up he tells me, pushing the glass forward
No thanks, I tell him, I don't drink. My head lowers
He laughs and gulps his in the blink of an eye
I'm sitting looking at myself wondering how and why
He says You need to come to face the fact I'm real
I feel! I breathe! And I cheat, lie and steal.
Here I am! I am your long lost brother
I am your demons and monsters. Like no other.
He pulls out a gun and he points it at my face
He smiles a devilish grin. Bullets fire and I lose grace
Bleeding, panting, losing blood and confused
He tells me that he is everything I refused
Do you know what I am? He asks me maliciously
I am all that is wrong with you! But, curiously
You acted like I was all wrong and vicious, please.
He grips his jet black gat and yells furiously:
You can't destroy me, you can try to quell me
He shoots and shouts I'll engulf you into the belly
Of the beast and yes you will become this!
He points at himself and clenches his fist
Slams it against my skull. I collapse into the ground
I'm looking around, I only hear the thumping sound
Of my heart beating wildly like a bass drum
Then I realize all along I've been so dumb.
Look! I said to him, trying to get his attention
I'm sorry I've ignored you. I feel my muscles tension
Instead of killing me and taking my body
Join with me and we'll work together. Just stop me
If I'm wrong, but you know this as well as I do
That us together is too powerful. I swear it's true.
He contemplates and nods his head in agreement, yes
He sets his gun aside and gives me his left
Hand so I grab it and I feel so at rest
I wake up in my bed and I feel so blessed

Crossing of the First

I'm in a totally new land, I can't understand
Are they really injecting fat into their glands?
Cars and jewelery is translated to whips and chains
Refrain from this lifestyle to keep my brain
But that's what in right now, what's hot and popular
I've gotta examine it faraway, give me some binoculars
I'll dissect this thing and look through a microscope
I hope the Pope doesn't hear about this, nope!
Thousand dollar outfits, shunning all the misfits
Outcasts out classed, drop plastic to be really fit
Tailored this and that, customized Gucci hats
You really wearing that? That seems a little wack
But they tell me it's hot in the game, rock for some fame
Act bolder and get yourself a diamond studded cane
Citizens of this world are Ego powered
I'll get crushed here if I don't look out: miso shower

A dangerous realm where the top are jets
No souls around here, the Devils' been making bets
I'm venturing into something totally unknown
I'd like to phone home, can't breathe in this warzone
Avenues of revenue, princess cut diamonds in it
Rose all day, thousand dollar champagne: try a sip
Retirement funds are blown in a matter of minutes
These people know no limits and never finish
The party don't stop and no one knows when it starts
So they end up living it until the last thump of the heart
The water here is priced at an arm and limb
What pays is sin, that's whats in, implants: no gym
Am I really trying to get mixed in with these kind of people?
My wealth is little and feeble and theirs too regal
Will my attempts in this world seem so jocular?
Or will I get eaten by what's really popular?

Them boys don't know how and why I'm so clean
Give me a full cover to cover special edition magazine
You feel my VIBE, so I gotta Optimize
I've got SmartMoney so I maximize
So upscale with ambition double X L
The details of this well, simply I excel
Multi-national man, call me a Cosmopolitan
I make it hard to breathe, damn, get you some Oxygen
That's just LIFE! I'm such an Entrepreneur
I'm a Highlight Premiere with Fortunes galore
A Visionaire so rare with the commissionaire
They stare like I'm a Vanity Fair, I'm up there
In the Penthouse with a hunger Ethiopian
With a classic style that's priceless: Smithsonian
I'm an Esquire since I require a higher wire
Call me sire, hot and out of the dryer, never too tired

Supernatural Aid

And so it goes like this, swagger beats for your soul
Listen to the gold that swallows you whole
The chimes provide a very surreal experience
Ruling over you so massively you perceive it's tyrannous
But you enjoy the extreme control it has
No puff puff pass, because this is a high that lasts
This treble is edible, I feast it's metaphysical frame
Devouring these treats creates and I've became
An alchemist of great powers and abilities
Silly me, this is just supernatural remedies
On the contrary, it's unleashing my potential
Practicing on instrumentals is increasing my mental
Every now and then we need a tiny little push
Thank God that mine is the sound equivalent of kush
Light it up, take a hit, roll it up, make it switch
Lift your cup, bake a bit, slow it up, this is it.

And so it goes like this, like this
And so it goes like this, like this
And so it goes like this, like this
And so it goes like this, like this

And so it goes like this, the way you carry yourself
I put on myself, call my shoulders and back a shelf
I feel strengthened, empowered, like I am needed
No tedious tasks ahead, importance, I really feel it
Abstract tracks and stressed quests are handed to me
But I don't lack valor or zest, I am Takumi
Let me handle all these things being aided of course
Let the beat drop and I'll still have made it smooth not coarse
There's an angel on this journey that I'm taking
An ethereal form to keep my back from breaking
She provides me with muses and refuses to let go
She inspires me and fuses what loses so I know
Swims through my veins, whispers in my ears
Embraces my pains, tempers me right here
Beyond belief, out of this world visions been made
This is normal given my supernatural aid

And so it goes like this, like this
And so it goes like this, like this
And so it goes like this, like this
And so it goes like this, like this

Sunday, December 19, 2010


You can't do this as well as you think you can
You can't overcome all this adversity young man
You can't flow as expertly as the professionals
You can't expect us to like these confessionals
You can't really imagine yourself doing this for a living
You can't picture all the work you'll have to be giving
You can't be able to deliver something marketable
You can't write or create a piece claimed as remarkable
Refusal. Refusal.
You won't actually go through with all of your plans
You won't go to the booth and record your quote on quote jams
You won't release a mixtape ready for purchase
You won't because you're afraid it's worthless
You won't put yourself out there on any stage
You won't share any of the lyrics you've written on the page
You won't think of anything that's everlasting
You won't give up your comforts for this rap thing
Refusal. Refusal.
You don't possess the necessary skills to back it up
You don't construct heavy hitting songs, just a hiccup
You don't like hearing any kind of criticism
You don't grow as an artist without cynicism
You don't try out new and different things
You don't sound like a crowning sound, this isn't King
You don't represent the struggle or poverty
You don't have street stories or credibility
Refusal. Refusal.
You shouldn't do this, your efforts are laughable
You shouldn't do this, all of the damages are collateral
You shouldn't continue, stop while you're ahead
You shouldn't think you have skill, your work will end up dead
You shouldn't want any fame. This music is not a game
You shouldn't have this ambition. Your parents are ashamed
You shouldn't contain this brain to write stupid raps
You shouldn't keep writing this song. You know it's crap
Refusal. Refusal.

The Call to Adventure

I woke up in the middle of the night
Midnight, that's when I gained some sight
High like a satellite, discovering my plight
Fist up like the might, and I strike down tight
Lace up my kicks: Chun-Li style
Ready to run these tracks, code red dials
Went to to the booth, pen and pad in hand
Understand that my mind is grand not bland
Excitement running through my fingertips
Imagination examination lingers, this
Is it, Michael Jackson documentary
Except it's about my life, I won't pretend to be
Hard or a superstar, just an aspiration
To make it for my entire stay and duration
Face it, you racists, check my pedigree
And family tree: Chinese and Vietnamese

I hear it calling: 1, 2, 3, 4
I hear it beckon: Give, me, some, more
I hear it shouting, 5, 6, 7, 8
I hear it yelling: Ad, venture, can't, wait

My mind's bursting at the seams it seems
Thoughts reigning supreme and my dreams
Become realities, ideas amounting to become new strategies
No salary but I'm good in the hood: Applebee's
Rattle me and shake my head, ineffective
My directive is locked in, respect it
I spit 16s at 16 so magnificently
That you will see eventually I am ready to be
Known here and there for my inner strengths
This winner ranks high on your memory banks
Brain storm so thoughts may weather together
Whether feather or heavy weight, it's clever
Tornado process, torpedoes no rest
Volcano thoughts hard press, Saints call this blessed
I feel it in my gut, I know it in my heart
Something is calling out to me, but when do I start?