Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Road of Trials

I'm traveling on this dusty road of existence
My skin is rough and taut, but my eyes glisten
Hands scarred deep with the tasks of yesterday
Walking for a better day, polishing my life's resume
Legs have been weakened by thousands of steps
My heart reps and lets the body do the rest
Don't mind me, honestly not looking for trouble
But a magnet to this madness, look at it bubble
I arose from the rubble and made it to a hustle
Grind to a science, refined but still have to tussle
Not trying to scuffle but I do more than rebuttals
Smuggled and struggled, dents in my knuckles
Taking broad steps and strides, no longer a shuffle
But taking this path will provide problems, a couple
Nothing in my possession, not a bag nor duffel
This sword edge is doubled, similar to the muscle

I! Travel inside my mind. I'm the problematic type of vagabond kind
I! Undergo tasks to get mine. A series of tests but I'm running out of time
This road of Trials. This road of Trials.
Like I'm defending my life in court on the stand
This road of Trials. This road of Trials.
I'm transforming into something I can't understand

Adversity has raised the stakes to a higher level
I see him glancing and laughing, eying is the Devil
Sign a contract he asks, my problems disappear
But it appears that my fear can never be cured
I feel the ordeals and the appeal of it being released
But the real zeal of this can never be peeled or appeased
Living on threads and fumes, all guts and spirit
My heart and soul, these ghouls are trying to kill it
I'm second guessing myself. True grit and grind
I've got to do it myself. I'm a conqueror by design
Resign the lines because this will make me stronger
All you war mongers will have to wait longer
For my demise and death, I've got extra lives
I'll survive when others died and strive the jive
Where others faced harsh conditions I will thrive
On this Road of lies I'll be the one to open our eyes

I! Travel inside my mind. I'm the problematic type of vagabond kind
I! Undergo tasks to get mine. A series of tests but I'm running out of time
This road of Trials. This road of Trials.
Like I'm defending my life in court on the stand
This road of Trials. This road of Trials.
I'm transforming into something I can't understand

If you want to see what I've seen, use your ears
Listen to the continents and travels right in here
I'm embedding into this track the tracks I've walked
Do you feel the scorching sun on my back along the rocks?
Taste the bitter dust on your tongue blowing by
Feel blessed by the breeze in the clouds flowing high
Golden sun and a silver moon
Pause for a second, enjoy the scenery, then resume
Emerald tree tops that shade the protagonist
Not lacking in this blasphemous rapper spit, grab a bit
Warm yourself around the fire I've created
Twigs and branches ignite the pyres. The warmth gated
A hunger deep in my stomach, be acquainted
Unless feeling jaded, don't elate this. It's all related
Any problem handed to me becomes diminished
Tan-skinned and and second winded, anything I'll finish

I! Travel inside my mind. I'm the problematic type of vagabond kind
I! Undergo tasks to get mine. A series of tests but I'm running out of time
This road of Trials. This road of Trials.
Like I'm defending my life in court on the stand
This road of Trials. This road of Trials.
I'm transforming into something I can't understand

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