Monday, December 20, 2010

Belly of the Whale

Where am I? I ask myself in this dark room
Take a match from my pocket and light it through the gloom
I look around and try to observe my surroundings
An entirely blank room, yet somewhat astounding
I find a door, painted crimson directly in front of me
Walking slowly toward it but see shadows suddenly
Grab me and sit me down in a chair from nowhere
Tied down, wrists confined, my vision impaired
The tiny flicker of the match goes out and poof
I feel the room close in, from the walls to the roof
Out of the black, another flame is born
Instead of me, who's holding it, hold up, I must be torn
It's me holding the match, am I dreaming or what?
He or I lights a cigarette and then holds it up
I look straight into my eyes and he starts laughing
My cuffs are undone. I feel stuck. No time passing
He or me, is dressed in an all black suit
But it is me isn't it? This fact I can't refute.
He takes another drag and blows three smoke rings
Calmly he pulls a chair and a light from the air and then he brings
Forth a table and sets his feet on it
Out from the ceiling comes down two gin and tonics
Drink up he tells me, pushing the glass forward
No thanks, I tell him, I don't drink. My head lowers
He laughs and gulps his in the blink of an eye
I'm sitting looking at myself wondering how and why
He says You need to come to face the fact I'm real
I feel! I breathe! And I cheat, lie and steal.
Here I am! I am your long lost brother
I am your demons and monsters. Like no other.
He pulls out a gun and he points it at my face
He smiles a devilish grin. Bullets fire and I lose grace
Bleeding, panting, losing blood and confused
He tells me that he is everything I refused
Do you know what I am? He asks me maliciously
I am all that is wrong with you! But, curiously
You acted like I was all wrong and vicious, please.
He grips his jet black gat and yells furiously:
You can't destroy me, you can try to quell me
He shoots and shouts I'll engulf you into the belly
Of the beast and yes you will become this!
He points at himself and clenches his fist
Slams it against my skull. I collapse into the ground
I'm looking around, I only hear the thumping sound
Of my heart beating wildly like a bass drum
Then I realize all along I've been so dumb.
Look! I said to him, trying to get his attention
I'm sorry I've ignored you. I feel my muscles tension
Instead of killing me and taking my body
Join with me and we'll work together. Just stop me
If I'm wrong, but you know this as well as I do
That us together is too powerful. I swear it's true.
He contemplates and nods his head in agreement, yes
He sets his gun aside and gives me his left
Hand so I grab it and I feel so at rest
I wake up in my bed and I feel so blessed

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