Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Figures 1 through 3

[Verse 1]
Before we explain this, let's lay down some foundation
Have a little patience and let's do some preparation
Inertia means things want to keep doing what they do
If something is sitting down, it'll keep and continue
Until something moves it out of the way with force
It'll only move when it's hit with unbalanced of course
With that being said, we move onto law number uno
The law of inertia, similar to the one said by Galileo
So, let's teach about the way things go and flow
Then the more you know, the more you'll be pro
A ball sitting on a table, very stable and able
It's sitting still and quiet, unmoving, that's it's label
Because the forces acting on it is balanced
It'll be as steady as a rock with no other challenge
But send another ball flying it's way
Unbalanced force hits it, demonstrating it today

[Verse 2]
Second law of motion might seem to cause commotion
But it's not magic and potions, it's easier than a quotient
Remember this, the holy grail equation
Force equals Mass times acceleration
If you're moving a 50 kg mass at your full potential
It'll move pretty fast, that's just instrumental
But add more mass to make one hundred kilograms
It'll go slower than molasses covered ham
Each of those things are all proportional
Remember F=MA and you'll end up venerable
Mathematically, you can solve for missing variables
It's all elementary, it's simply charitable!
This law is one of the most powerful and fundamental
A large component of physics, very elemental
The quantitative calculation of dynamics
One of the hugest cogs in the world's mechanics

[Verse 3]
See it all around you, yes it is true
All of these laws, 1 and 2, happening around you
Including number three, let me help you see
This is the last one to learn, go ahead and breathe
Third law of motion is a simple statement
But the things it influences will have you in amazement
For every action an equal reaction
For ever small fraction, an equal transaction
Look at the world, and you can spot an example
A sample: the flame and flicker of a candle
The fire reacts with the chemical on the wick
And with the air around it, yeah, it's pretty slick
How about the majestic blast of a rocket?
The gasoline from the engine, no don't knock it
Now you know all of these things, so you can profit
Of having these laws pat down, snug in your pocket

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