Saturday, December 24, 2011

The One

And so Phineas awoke on a perfectly normal day
Eyes blinking away the thoughts but they stayed
Remnants of his dreams from last night
Still play in his head but he can't remember it completely right
Something about a girl and a boy and a fight
Maybe a purple giraffe trying to take flight
He chalks it up to nothing but still feels it
As he gets up from his bed and it's revealed this
Is the day his life changes from average to great
Even if you don't believe in destiny or fate
This is just a story on your plate
To make you understand and have a little taste
Phineas dragged his sleep heavy limbs
To the bathroom and looked in the mirror at him
Deciding to take a shower and brush his teeth
He skipped his normal routine of rolling up leaves
Feeling different this morning, a little more aware
Phineas takes a chance and sends a text to his lady fair
"Want to get some coffee in an hour?"
Then he heads straight into the shower
Hot water pelting his skin, refreshing his mind
Something clicked inside him to really feel his grind
"Today, I'm going to go get everything I want"
And his phone buzzes as soon as his shower stops
"Sure thing!" she replies back with a smiley face
And that is all he needs to feel right back in grace
Cleans up his apartment, tidies up his place
Headed out the door with his new shoes laced
Loafers and a vest, he feels fancy for some reason
Skinny jeans and a pea coat, still dressed for the cold season
Walking down the avenue, ear buds locked
He was going to take the bus, but decides to walk
Crisp air tickling his eyes and cleaning his lungs
Phineas feels the ladder and he's climbing every rung
Gets to the coffee shop and he sits by the window
He decides to order the coffees now, he takes off his pea coat
Orders a black coffee for him and a latte for her
And as he takes his seat with the drinks he knows for sure
That this day is special. This day is different.
This day is wonderful. This day he is living.
His nerves are steel, his spirit resolute
Today is the day to tell her the truth
To tell her how he really feels and to find out
What she's really about and hear it from her mouth
And not from the imagined situations
That he illustrates every night with complication
The door jingles as a new patron walks in
He looks up and his small smirk turns into a grin
She sits down and they soon begin to chit and chat
About this and that, about her, him and laugh
The mood mellows between them and he sense this moment
His eyes focus and he begins to assemble the components
Of the list compiled in his head that she needs to hear
It's now or never, not going to wait until New Years
"Look, we've known each other for quite some time now
And I don't really understand how
We haven't had this conversation before.
But basically..." He hesitates, pondering running out the door
"I'm sick of this town, I'm sick of my life.
I've cashed my savings and I'm leaving tonight."
She looks dumbfounded and blatantly confused
"And I'm not telling you to try to guilt you"
She looks around with an expression incredulous
Both staring at each other with thoughts ridiculous
"If you want to come you can, because I understand
You hate it here too, and I did plan
Enough money for us both if you decided to go."
With a stunned look and a slight shake no
Phineas gets up and leaves his new address
"Stay in touch with me, please." And now he has a second guess
As he walks away, what was supposed to happen
And right before he begins to imagine
He shakes away those thoughts, they only perplex
He's inches away from his new life. Just one step.
Just one more step.
Just one more step.

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