Friday, March 30, 2012


Exactly what you gotta do, pump this jam up
Floating marmalade. Put your hands up!
Man this man sucks, is what some may say
So irrelevant, I'm in my hey day
So I say "Hey!" And I greet them hello
Watch me pull these strings, call it cello
I'm so jello, you're so jelly
My meaning is higher: synonym telly
In the belly, finally out of the fire
No more pots and pans, still cook to inspire
And what I inquire is some participants
If you're not solving, you're a precipitate
And the middlemen gets cut right out
Like a coupon. Who's on the mic now?
And I'm bout to strike down: flow straight picketing
All 1s in here. No bickering
All things considering, this guy is damn hot
But he's so cold, what's that? A Paradox
Not a pair of docs on this hipsters feet
What you all say? Nikes keep this complete
And there's no need to compete. No contest
I get real comfy up in here: nice armrest
Yeah I bomb tests and I ace classes
I'm a real spectacle like I wear my glasses
Cruise like molasses: I take my time
Get my Shakespeare on: I pen rhymes
And in my mind I'm the Gentleman of Roses
I'm supercalifragilisticallepxiealdoucis
Crazy with poses. I'm the man of the house
While y'all sit down I just stand out
Man I stamp out haters, call me the mail man
I eat beets so hard you call me Quailman
Make it hail man, I don't make it rain
In fact throw thoughts in the air: I make it braaaaain
Get in my lane dude, I do this calmly
Fresh to death I'm a well-suited zombie
Way too jaunty and all other adjectives
Some say hobby and I say passionate
I pass the fifth because I won't stay quiet
I push pens and jets because I am a pilot
I hush down riots and get them to mosh pit
Takumi on the microphone, this boy done lost it
Geeky jargon mixed with some street slang
Big bang mixed with the wisdom of Wu-Tang
Boomerang: I go over your head
They want to toast me, I'm supreme bred
Keep my head up, eyes are toward the clouds
Dancing with my own tunes that play so loud
And I'm so proud of how far I've gotten
Had a few hundred people bop up their noggins
And if I'm Robin, I feel like Batman
After all of this I can still be Dat Phan
Keep them laughin' but I make them ponder
Rapper over here and a poet there yonder
So I launder, like Godfather
Took the cannolli so why do you even bother
I am water, fire and the earth
Quenching thirst, spitting flames and doing my dirt
Is it a curse? Depends on perspective
I'm so protected, so contraceptive
Too damn receptive to any and all thoughts
I soak up like a sponge, absorb the entire lot
The fires hot and the night is so clear
Good evening world, yes I am right here.

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