Friday, December 25, 2009

Justice Is Blind

Girls wearing blinders and find they're target
No matter what, even if it's a closed market
They'll lock on and just get that man and his flesh
Lust controls them and see just the fresh
But they don't see the consequences of their actions
Splitting apart people like math fractions
Some females will never look at the finer details
Only see flash and cash, the rims and the spree wells
They'll fly down speed wells despite the destination
With no preparation and short limitations
They'll be in, get out, and never know their route
Swarm up they man like a river of trout
If you don't want bad things, heed a warning
Broken hearts, empty wallets, alone in the morning
If you don't understand the company you find
Trust your instincts, justice is blind.

Stab you in the back and smile at your face
Meet a girl like that and you'll be sure to lose grace
The strings in the background tell a story
Of great sadness and only melancholy
Some of these ladies will act plain crazy
Doesn't phase me, but it might affect your baby!
Sleep with him, and they might sleep with that
Doesn't matter if he's fat. Just boostin up stats
They talk crap with sweet nothings behind your back
They'll go up and down just like chimney stacks
Speak like an actress and lays on a mattress
Never alone, her relationships have no status
No matter what you say, they won't listen
You can see it in their eyes, that sinful glisten
But in the end, they're all in our grind
So remember, trust your instincts: justice is blind

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