Friday, December 4, 2009


Thank God It's Friday, right? Psh. Thank Goodness I'm FRESH! Chyeah!
Hi y'alls. Thanks for reading in on my life. Today's a Friday and a glorious one at that. It's been a pretty good day for the most part. Many things have happened that makes me want to write about it! So, let's go over the entire day.

Let's see, I woke up and didn't dilly dally in bed, I just got up! Pretty good. Morning routine went very smoothly, had enough time to do some bonus chores, that's good. Had a nice little outfit to wear (I love these Chucks I just got, by the by). The sky was beautiful this morning. It has been this entire week. Though the weather has been crazy cold, with raging and howling winds at night, in the morning, boy oh boy, do those clouds look purtty. The sun rises from a chilly sleep and sets all the clouds on fire with an array of pinks and tangerines. A work of art. Frost on the windows! Winter's kicking in.

English: Shakespeare and what nots. Fun stuff there.
Math: logarithims. Not too bad. Test next Wednesday. F! And my little math report due on Monday, buuut I'm a little stuck on it (as in I haven't really looked at it very much) Gotta do that this weekend!
Drama TA: Very peaceful. Found out that "Bennettito" and "Conrad" are leaving during lunch, so they left me in charge of Improv Club. Cool beans! Bennettito told me what to do for today's meeting. They all read this funny little play called "We Won't Pay, We Won't Pay!" Fun script, wordy and takes a lot of hard work, but the talent I'm surrounded by in that class, I'm sure if they really dig in, they'll kick it's ass and all of it's long ass lines. Finished my math work for the most part. Confused on that e function. Oh wells
Drama 3-4: Ehh. Did nothing. Wanted to get picked. Didn't. Scene partner not here. Just chilled. Got ready for Improv Club in Lunch.

Ooo boy, Lunch! That was fun today. Wish Margo was there, sigh. But she got's to eat with her people. Great session today. I led the club, hope I did a good job. Great scenes today. Wish I could perform, but I guess I gotta lead. Could've had ACE and Jukebox108 help, but I wanted to see if I could do it. Hope I did!

Health: nothing. Chemistry: Test Monday. Blech. Chinese: Project time.

After school, had a great little date with Margo today. It's amazing how much fun I had doing nothing at the mall. It's really nothing at all, but with her, it's so much more. Thanks babe, if you're reading this :) My shoulders are so sore from carrying my backpack around all day. Had my Chem Book in there too. But today was great. Overall great.

Tired. Good. Inspired. Friday.
Terrific. Gasoline. Inginition. Fire.
Thanks. Grateful. Intimate. Female
Time. Glory. I'm. Free.

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