Friday, June 29, 2012

The Criterion

[Verse 1]
From here on out, this is gonna be my sound
Work on my insight, make something profound
But as I found out, I'm not too bad with the eloquence
Elegant and relevant with my chemistry elements
Liquid flow so solid that gasses the masses
Graduated classes without being the fastest
Taking my sweet time like a late hotel checkout
Make shift alchemist: creating belief from doubt
Not too stout in stature but that is what I capture
Inside my chapters like Holden's heart in Catcher
Don't bore them with my decorum
These clothes I found in storage and still wore them
No discrepancies or treacheries
Supremacy recipe is hitting with accuracy deadly
I fly like an arrow down a path so narrow
Riding bumpy inside a rusted wheel barrow

They could fill books with what I never knew
That's why you always find me reading a book or two
Creating and writing only what is true
 I'm learning what I never knew: how about you?

[Verse 2]
Hipster with the mind of the urbanest
Trying to take flight without any more turbulence
Shooting for permanent, currently at transient
The most handsome of them all and the handiest
I've had my share of problems in one fine night
But struggles are finite and I'm trying to die right
At birth on this earth I was handed a curse
So without a terse verse I composed a hearse
Rest easy when you listen to beats so breezy
Believe me, see me and never know sick and weakly
Meek is not my style any longer.
Inches away from being the ruler. I conquer!
Watch and learn as I perform poetic epics
Too embedded so count on me like phonetics
These last bars I write
Haiku/ Composed so freely
Bless as I "Ah-Choo!"

They could fill books with what I never knew
That's why you always find me reading a book or two
Creating and writing only what is true
 I'm learning what I never knew: how about you?

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


I wake up to the speckled gray walls of the airport
Yawn and stretch and zip open my Jansport
Grab a stick of gum to combat the rotten breath
Stand up from my chair, look around at all the regret
Past decisions gone, mistakes lost and forgotten
Sleeping for once are my demons, ghouls and goblins
Every issue left behind, but running was not an option
It's a tactical retreat, not putting myself on auction
This isn't a reinvention or anything meaningful
I'm just getting away for a bit from this sleeper hold
Packed my life into one suit case and one carry on
A little bit sad but I know I'll be able to carry on
Catcher in the Rye by my side, read it to escape
Reading it on a plane, double flight like wings and a cape
Staring at the window on a mostly empty flight
The awkward moment where it's neither day nor night
Clouds hungover lazily like my peers of yesteryear
Sun slowly rising like my infallible sense of cheer
I've slept enough so I'm not drowsy in my chair
The stewardess asks how I am like she actually cares
A ginger ale in my hand coupled with a bag of crackers
This stupid game of life. Has anyone ever mastered?
Precariously stepping along the razor's edge
Did it without even knowing the danger with one wrong step
Living without company in this last chunk of time
Having epiphanies on this trip without knowing what is fine
Am I Okay? Or am I just alright?
Feeling shorter now despite my lanky height
Bags under my eyes puffed from the lack of rest
Sure I sleep a lot, but it wasn't deep enough or in depth
Now I'm stuck in terminals not knowing where to go
Gate A, B, C, D like eenie, meanie, minie, mo
I lost my boarding pass somewhere along the way
Not enough funds to get a new one to my dismay
Go outside with my possessions right when day breaks
The gray shakes as the sun rays take clouds to skate
Hail a cab and he pulls up immediately
"Where do you want to go?" And I pondered curiously
The cheapest inn, hotel or place with a bed
And we pulled of the curb with the window against my head
Arrived at the destination and I thank my navigator
Hand him a little extra and I tell him see you later
Walk through smudged glass doors and ask for the cheapest
The clerk smirks and says "It will not be the best"
I shrug hoping just for a place to lay down
That layover has laid pounds of stress on my head now
Unlock the door with the key card. Beeps me a greeting
Look around the room with my consciousness retreating
Set my things down and I roll up my sleeves
Unbutton the top of my shirt as my tie is released
Walk like a zombie to get some ice down the hall
And it turns out I have a couple of missed calls
Lost reception along the way but the satellite found me
As I'm scrolling through the log my heart is loud and pounding
Do I return calls for salvation or sacrifice for quiet?
Damn this human condition. I'm sick with this virus.

Monday, June 18, 2012


[Verse 1]
Summer time shine demands the proper attire
Cool threads cannot extinguish my burning desire
Withholding the fire, call me Prometheus
I'm just living my rebellion. No worries for consequence
Style like Guile. Sonic boom into your ears
So I'm the mos def and most dope out of my peers
This isn't clever for the sake of clever, none of that nonsense
This is straight streamlined direct from the conscious
More gold than Jeremy Piven's boasts
I'm a given toast on a driven boat rocking a Gatsby Linen Coat
Miss Daisy, it's the way you make me feel
Too thrilling as I'm spilling my emotions on this reel
A girl named Billie wanted into my jeans
I told her to beat it, but I felt too bad, it was a bit mean
Still, I'm living so delinquent: so smooth criminal
I'm the King and the Jester: goes without subliminal

no time for cameras
we’ll use our eyes instead
no time for cameras
we’ll be gone when we’re dead
no time for cameras
we’ll use our eyes instead
I see flashes of gold

[Verse 2]
Feet hit the pavement just like a prizefighter
So on top of the words: call me the highlighter
Who you know that's politer? I'm betting no one
Chasing me like track athletes: go run
But I'm just a wanderer with no particular direction
And who is way too fond of the word perfection
With a disposition more sunny than Liston's
I'm just hoping that you all listen when I glisten
Fired up like pistons, the keys is in the ignition
Ring on my belt loop, they jingle like holiday traditions
Every step sounds a lot like success I guess
Addressed like I'm blessed to impress and yes
I look better in real life, but not too bad in pictures
Crack open my head and let's break out the mixtures
Do it yourself chemistry, ready, set, go bubble
Constantly in my element, there's no need for rebuttal 

no time for cameras
we’ll use our eyes instead
no time for cameras
we’ll be gone when we’re dead
no time for cameras
we’ll use our eyes instead
I see flashes of gold

[Verse 3]
Memories are moving too quickly to simply just capture
Write it down in the history books in our chapter
The last thing we'll do is try to remember the times
No pennies for my thought. No change for dimes
Soundtrack pumping loud in the background
Lense-flare as we run across the tracks, sunset, to look profound
A shimmering ocean filled with diamonds on the surf
One last golden drop until it's swallowed by the Earth

no time for cameras
we’ll use our eyes instead
no time for cameras
we’ll be gone when we’re dead
no time for cameras
we’ll use our eyes instead
I see flashes of gold

Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Jester

Even if my parents try to stop me
Even if times get too Rocky
Sylvester Stallone ain't got nothing on me
Felines on a machine just try to copy
But I make them floppy, throw them a disc
I'm slinging rhymes and lines, no throwing fists
Unless I represent power to the ceiling
I'm my biggest fan and I love this feeling
Doing it for me, stopping for no one
Even if I'm not allowed, doing it until it's done
Do it on the sly, call me Cooper
All geared up, yes I'm a trooper
Very super, edging out awesome
I do to rhymes like spring to blossoms
What the hell am I? Ball of culture
Roll me up, roll me down, pick at me you vultures
But I've molded to something of my design
My own architect, construction is mine
Pop the tags, I have no label
Standing on my own, two legged table
A fable that's currently being written
Protagonist with love interests smitten
Villain in my story, well doesn't matter
Don't really like listening to their chatter
Pulling down pants, writing up jokes
This is for my jesters, jokers, clowns and dopes
Never taken very seriously
Voted to be basement dwellers curiously
But watch in the end we come out on top
Like the foam of our champagne when we pop
In our campaign we like the humor
We might indulge into some rumors
But we are gentlemen when it comes down to it
Gossip and trash talk we try not to pursue it
Pull out chairs for all our women friends
Even if we don't like you, we'll try to pretend
No hasty gestures, no rash enterprise
Chivalry out the ass, what, you seemed surprised
Dressed to impress, wit never suppressed
Improv Comedian so what do you suggest?

Friday, June 8, 2012


Let's just fly, you and I, against the sky, real high
Past the horizon, just look me in the eyes
Go through the sunrise, out like a sunset
This is best shared without any forget
Without regret we take flight like ambitious college kids
Calling without answering. Spread like barrages
No mirages or fun house mirror illusions and false bits
French fry classic with a milkshake malted
Salt on the brim of the glass of this thing we call fate
Drink it slowly and refills often. Seconds for this plate
Less vulgar and more class. Graduate like a cylinder
No beginner or winner sir, straight up like a marble pillar
No bologna, no lunch meat, none of that filler, grr
Like a beast, like a monster, like a demented killer brr
Too cold in these clouds as my breath is frigid
Vivid images of livid mystics within my lyrics
If you missed it, I kissed it. Every piece is intimate
Secrets whispered from a lovers distance
Longing to reveal to you my scars and my vices
What's the price I have to pay for sharing a crisis?
Mutual pain versus mutual hatred. What bonds better?
Fleeting connection like the mulching of a pigeon's feather
Make this stronger, make it more permanent
This tournament has turned events and they haven't heard a bit
Deaf ears are met with my blind rage
No one is able to see it or even read it on the page
So when I'm on the stage, I'm the most convincing
Even if you don't understand me, you get my feeling
I slow it down,
I roll the sound
Even at my loudest you can still hear my heart pound
I feel my lowest
regain my focus
Then I speed it up like wings of a locust
Kneel at the power of human emotion
Rocked back and forth from these loco motions
Train of thoughts pull into station
I'll wait for you, I've got enough patience
How am I today? I say I'm fine
That's just my pathological lie
Here's the truth, I'm attracted to hardship
Fruits of your labor, a real great harvest
Questions left and right, collecting words
Laying in the grass as we fly like birds
Look into your eyes, stomach churning
Talking is my only way of learning
Is it kind of sad? Well who knows
It's just a sadness that I chose
So trade me words, only if you want to
Help me believe, help me be true
I want to know you, tell me please
Hearing your voice only creates relief
Seeing your text pop in this bubble
Makes every thing worth the harshest struggle
This is what we do: staying together
Touch down gently: descending feather
We can make this better, let's make it good
No more shoulds and no more woulds
Never in the shadow of what if
You make sparks and I've got flint
Let's make a fire, let's break through
Let's paint something pretty, let's paint you
We can do so much, keep this alive
Give me more than just a reply
How was your day? How is your heart?
Aren't you glad we got to this part?