Tuesday, June 19, 2012


I wake up to the speckled gray walls of the airport
Yawn and stretch and zip open my Jansport
Grab a stick of gum to combat the rotten breath
Stand up from my chair, look around at all the regret
Past decisions gone, mistakes lost and forgotten
Sleeping for once are my demons, ghouls and goblins
Every issue left behind, but running was not an option
It's a tactical retreat, not putting myself on auction
This isn't a reinvention or anything meaningful
I'm just getting away for a bit from this sleeper hold
Packed my life into one suit case and one carry on
A little bit sad but I know I'll be able to carry on
Catcher in the Rye by my side, read it to escape
Reading it on a plane, double flight like wings and a cape
Staring at the window on a mostly empty flight
The awkward moment where it's neither day nor night
Clouds hungover lazily like my peers of yesteryear
Sun slowly rising like my infallible sense of cheer
I've slept enough so I'm not drowsy in my chair
The stewardess asks how I am like she actually cares
A ginger ale in my hand coupled with a bag of crackers
This stupid game of life. Has anyone ever mastered?
Precariously stepping along the razor's edge
Did it without even knowing the danger with one wrong step
Living without company in this last chunk of time
Having epiphanies on this trip without knowing what is fine
Am I Okay? Or am I just alright?
Feeling shorter now despite my lanky height
Bags under my eyes puffed from the lack of rest
Sure I sleep a lot, but it wasn't deep enough or in depth
Now I'm stuck in terminals not knowing where to go
Gate A, B, C, D like eenie, meanie, minie, mo
I lost my boarding pass somewhere along the way
Not enough funds to get a new one to my dismay
Go outside with my possessions right when day breaks
The gray shakes as the sun rays take clouds to skate
Hail a cab and he pulls up immediately
"Where do you want to go?" And I pondered curiously
The cheapest inn, hotel or place with a bed
And we pulled of the curb with the window against my head
Arrived at the destination and I thank my navigator
Hand him a little extra and I tell him see you later
Walk through smudged glass doors and ask for the cheapest
The clerk smirks and says "It will not be the best"
I shrug hoping just for a place to lay down
That layover has laid pounds of stress on my head now
Unlock the door with the key card. Beeps me a greeting
Look around the room with my consciousness retreating
Set my things down and I roll up my sleeves
Unbutton the top of my shirt as my tie is released
Walk like a zombie to get some ice down the hall
And it turns out I have a couple of missed calls
Lost reception along the way but the satellite found me
As I'm scrolling through the log my heart is loud and pounding
Do I return calls for salvation or sacrifice for quiet?
Damn this human condition. I'm sick with this virus.

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