Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Sitting on top of the world
Here comes wind that starts to whirl
Throwing you off from your classy throne
This happens to all when we're grown
So now that you've lost your crown
You're going down and now you are

[Verse 1]
Back in the day balling out of control
Hear my shoes everywhere, see their soul?
My sneakers are speakers as well as teachers
Praising my word on the curb just like preachers
Building my self upwards monumental towers
Staying only in the penthouse: that is power
You cower from the gold that I hold
The story untold so I unfold from the mold
Creating and inflating my world's economy
Shaping up knowledge like a college degree
Ready to drop it to the earth, let it fall
The citizens stall and they shout up and call
The information of the existing foundations
Start to deteriorate their own continuation
Top of my empire. Can't go any higher.
Why not jump? I'll just get flyer.

Sitting on top of the world
Here comes wind that starts to whirl
Throwing you off from your classy throne
This happens to all when we're grown
So now that you've lost your crown
You're going down and now you are

[Verse 2]
You hear it too many times before
The rich and famous fall to poor
So I handle it in my place saving face
Instead of dropping, I fall from grace
I don't fall like the walls of great castles
Why cause an effort? Just too much hassle
Enjoy how the view is before you get clueless
If you try to stay up just know the birds are ruthless
Leave you toothless and take everything away
Destroy your hay day and everything you made
Once you hit the ground, the bottom of the chain
You can climb up and try to rise to fame
But it's inevitable. You will one day descend
Don't try to make believe or try to pretend
I'm not trying to fight the air currents
I'll fall with it. In fact, I prefer it!

Sitting on top of the world
Here comes wind that starts to whirl
Throwing you off from your classy throne
This happens to all when we're grown
So now that you've lost your crown
You're going down and now you are

[Verse 3]
Then I catch my second wind on the gentle breeze
On the mental ease I make instrumentals plead
I start to bleed and sweat and cry like the sky
My pain and their rain is just all the same
Fall like feathers from an eagle's wing
I fall like a note dropping octaves to sing
It's going down like the degrees when it hits freeze
When leaves fall down from their trees to our knees
It's a full cycle. I now rise like yeast
I'm the beast that will stampede the east
I get a third, a fourth and even a fifth wind
All the way to my forty-seventh if I didn't win
I'm flying effortlessly on a paper airplane
As I gain I see their disdain
I'm fighting giants that are 10 stories tall
The bigger they are, the harder they fall

Sitting on top of the world
Here comes wind that starts to whirl
Throwing you off from your classy throne
This happens to all when we're grown
So now that you've lost your crown
You're going down and now you are
Seems like I'm Falling.
Seems like I'm Falling.
Seems like I'm Falling.
Seems like I'm Falling.
Seems like I'm Falling.
Seems like I'm Falling.
Seems like I'm Falling.
Seems like I'm...

Friday, December 25, 2009

Justice Is Blind

Girls wearing blinders and find they're target
No matter what, even if it's a closed market
They'll lock on and just get that man and his flesh
Lust controls them and see just the fresh
But they don't see the consequences of their actions
Splitting apart people like math fractions
Some females will never look at the finer details
Only see flash and cash, the rims and the spree wells
They'll fly down speed wells despite the destination
With no preparation and short limitations
They'll be in, get out, and never know their route
Swarm up they man like a river of trout
If you don't want bad things, heed a warning
Broken hearts, empty wallets, alone in the morning
If you don't understand the company you find
Trust your instincts, justice is blind.

Stab you in the back and smile at your face
Meet a girl like that and you'll be sure to lose grace
The strings in the background tell a story
Of great sadness and only melancholy
Some of these ladies will act plain crazy
Doesn't phase me, but it might affect your baby!
Sleep with him, and they might sleep with that
Doesn't matter if he's fat. Just boostin up stats
They talk crap with sweet nothings behind your back
They'll go up and down just like chimney stacks
Speak like an actress and lays on a mattress
Never alone, her relationships have no status
No matter what you say, they won't listen
You can see it in their eyes, that sinful glisten
But in the end, they're all in our grind
So remember, trust your instincts: justice is blind

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Contrary to Popular Belief

Contrary to popular belief:
I hide my feelings deep
Contrary to popular belief:
I get lost inside my sleep

Contrary to popular belief:
I'm climbing on a mountain side steep
Contrary to popular belief:
I'll never know what to keep

[Verse 1]
Contrary to popular belief, I'd rather bare teeth
Than lose beef, then it's just less grief
The only reason I stay fitted to my digits
Is because I don't know what's my own limit
And I'm afraid of what I'm capable of, not proud
If I lay down now, I might never make a sound
I surround myself with crowds of people
Just to make myself feel a little bit equal
The exterior has a cooler temperature
But if you measure me, you'll see different weather
You can see only the top surface: perfect
But beneath 6 feet deep is cracking nervous
With no principle, it's quite simple.
There's more to me than golf ball dimples
Contrary to popular belief:
I'll duck into myself like a nighttime thief

Contrary to popular belief:
I hide my feelings deep
Contrary to popular belief:
I get lost inside my sleep

Contrary to popular belief:
I'm climbing on a mountain side steep
Contrary to popular belief:
I'll never know what to keep

[Verse 2]
Contrary to popular belief: I'll act like the big Chief
Even if I lie through my teeth or keep it brief
I'll say everything's fine to keep an illusion
Call it delusion. Go ahead and make a conclusion
With my exclusion I can try to find my meaning
Though my smile might be beaming
I'm a lost soul in a body that has clarity
Mind creates calamities and my heart dares to beat
With no where to go and no place to call my own
I find it in myself and in someone else I call home
I'm a believe it or not, a strange fruit project
Stay hidden like objects inside of pockets
I'll fit like scissors inside electrical sockets
Give me a spaceship, a plane or a rocket
Contrary to popular belief:
I'll run away from my problems: though it makes me weak

Contrary to popular belief:
I hide my feelings deep
Contrary to popular belief:
I get lost inside my sleep

Contrary to popular belief:
I'm climbing on a mountain side steep
Contrary to popular belief:
I'll never know what to keep

[Verse 3]
Contrary to popular belief: I'll hold onto my dreams
Though it silly to everyone it seems
I'll cry through pain and solve dilemmas in my brain
Even to some disdain: I'll stay in the rain
I'll wait for the sunshine. It'll be my time
Until then I'll just continue to polish my rhymes
It's sublime if you see me on a good day
I'll give you a nod and a grin and be on my way
You might think I'm a little too confident
Only way to make me seem some what competent
The clothes and the glow is all just artificial
In this day and age it's all ritual
I'm self-conscious. I think who would want this?
If my mind launches they'll say I lost it
Contrary to popular belief:
I'm the entire tree and not just one leaf

Contrary to popular belief:
I hide my feelings deep
Contrary to popular belief:
I get lost inside my sleep

Contrary to popular belief:
I'm climbing on a mountain side steep
Contrary to popular belief:
I'll never know what to keep

Wednesday, December 9, 2009



I've been reading the most "Wow, this makes me think!" posts and geez, a lot of amazing things happen to people. I love reading these awe-inspiring stories. The good and bad. It makes you think! There are so many things in this world we cannot understand. Why is this here, who is so and so, whats the reason for such and such? But isn't that our gift and curse? The ability to ponder. The ability to think. To wonder.

What separates us from the beasts is our minds. Our souls. We've created so many things without knowing it. Amateurs made Apple and Google. Professionals made the Titanic.

In order to hunt the beast, you must find the beast within yourself. Know thy enemy. The first step to understanding the world is understanding yourself. Inner-demons and shoulder angels alike. But we are never alone. Humans can think. We all can. And humans can speak. We all can.

So why don't we?

Monday, December 7, 2009


[Verse 1]
Thank you, thank you, I am so nerdy
But at least I don't suck just like Kirby
I hold demolition derbies in my basement
If you could see how many games I had you'd be in amazement
Alphabetical placement and genre of discs
I've risked throwing out my wrist and though it gets me pissed
I still dismiss screen hackers on my map
A geek who can rap, you think I'm just crap?
Well on my laptop I create Hip Hop
The only thing you hear is tapping and my clocks tick tocks
Like the Tell-Tale Heart, but change one part
The whole insane start, I just raise hell like Bart
Eat my shorts is what I retort then back to the fort
And even if you send your flunkies and cohorts
I unplug em like USB ports and shut them down
So all you hear is the Windows Goodbye sound

So thank you, thank you, thank you,
I am so nerdy!
I'll be like this, when I'm past thirty!
Thank you, thank you, thank you,
I am so nerdy!
Just call me a mac like an apple or Bernie!

[Verse 2]
Me and music is tight like Bert and Ernie
And we've just established I'm a mac like Bernie
Or call me WALL-E, I buy and is large, just call me in charge
In a cardboard spaceship I barge, just ask the Sarge
On these bars I create masterpieces like Pixar
I am in command, just ask the stars or even the Cars
I'm going Up with a Spirit of Adventure
Get it poppin like balloons punctured, spit out words like dentures
I feast on tracks, they call me the Grim Eater
Are you getting scared? Just laugh, listen to the leader
A monstrous rhyme incorporated in every line
In due time, realize the bug's life is just fine!
I shatter diamonds into shards, I work real hard
Go ahead and find me or just take my card
I will be your number one business associate
That associates with nerds and kids!

So thank you, thank you, thank you,
I am so nerdy!
I'll be like this, when I'm past thirty!
Thank you, thank you, thank you,
I am so nerdy!
Just call me a mac like an apple or Bernie!

[Verse 3]
I was going to talk on this track all about flossing
But I'm not a dentist, but I keep it tight like draw strings
Decided to be true to myself, so what do you get?
Rhymes straight from the nerd's conscious direct
I'm Never Ending my Real Demeanor
So let me keep things frank like wieners
What you need to keep is that I'm cleaner than bleach
Stranger than Ichigo's hair and my mics hard to reach
This is a breach, so am I a flood?
I'm a Master Chief, so a stud, not a dud, show me some love
I'm flyer than a raven and more vicious than Kraven
My town has wings: an Owl City, call this a cave in
I'm a bone crusher as well as a punisher
My finisher will make you into a flash runner sir!
I'm a butter nerd which means I'm so smooth
So as I get in my groove make me a Facebook group

So thank you, thank you, thank you,
I am so nerdy!
I'll be like this, when I'm past thirty!
Thank you, thank you, thank you,
I am so nerdy!
Just call me a mac like an apple or Bernie!

Friday, December 4, 2009


Thank God It's Friday, right? Psh. Thank Goodness I'm FRESH! Chyeah!
Hi y'alls. Thanks for reading in on my life. Today's a Friday and a glorious one at that. It's been a pretty good day for the most part. Many things have happened that makes me want to write about it! So, let's go over the entire day.

Let's see, I woke up and didn't dilly dally in bed, I just got up! Pretty good. Morning routine went very smoothly, had enough time to do some bonus chores, that's good. Had a nice little outfit to wear (I love these Chucks I just got, by the by). The sky was beautiful this morning. It has been this entire week. Though the weather has been crazy cold, with raging and howling winds at night, in the morning, boy oh boy, do those clouds look purtty. The sun rises from a chilly sleep and sets all the clouds on fire with an array of pinks and tangerines. A work of art. Frost on the windows! Winter's kicking in.

English: Shakespeare and what nots. Fun stuff there.
Math: logarithims. Not too bad. Test next Wednesday. F! And my little math report due on Monday, buuut I'm a little stuck on it (as in I haven't really looked at it very much) Gotta do that this weekend!
Drama TA: Very peaceful. Found out that "Bennettito" and "Conrad" are leaving during lunch, so they left me in charge of Improv Club. Cool beans! Bennettito told me what to do for today's meeting. They all read this funny little play called "We Won't Pay, We Won't Pay!" Fun script, wordy and takes a lot of hard work, but the talent I'm surrounded by in that class, I'm sure if they really dig in, they'll kick it's ass and all of it's long ass lines. Finished my math work for the most part. Confused on that e function. Oh wells
Drama 3-4: Ehh. Did nothing. Wanted to get picked. Didn't. Scene partner not here. Just chilled. Got ready for Improv Club in Lunch.

Ooo boy, Lunch! That was fun today. Wish Margo was there, sigh. But she got's to eat with her people. Great session today. I led the club, hope I did a good job. Great scenes today. Wish I could perform, but I guess I gotta lead. Could've had ACE and Jukebox108 help, but I wanted to see if I could do it. Hope I did!

Health: nothing. Chemistry: Test Monday. Blech. Chinese: Project time.

After school, had a great little date with Margo today. It's amazing how much fun I had doing nothing at the mall. It's really nothing at all, but with her, it's so much more. Thanks babe, if you're reading this :) My shoulders are so sore from carrying my backpack around all day. Had my Chem Book in there too. But today was great. Overall great.

Tired. Good. Inspired. Friday.
Terrific. Gasoline. Inginition. Fire.
Thanks. Grateful. Intimate. Female
Time. Glory. I'm. Free.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Musings on Life

Hey there! This is my first blogpost that has actual narratives and words that isn't in a rhyming scheme of some sort! Though I love poetry and lyrics, I feel I should actually write some sentences and not cryptic little poems and lyrics. But I'll end all my posts with some poetry, so don't fret if you like the rhymings!

Anyhows, what made me start writing was because of another blogpost. I was reading Jukebox108's blogposts because he recently made one (and he is a dear, dear friend of mine) and because his views on life are extremely profound and awesome to say in the least. It really makes me happy that a lot of my close friends are able of that ability to think. My other friend, let's call him ACE, he should make a blog! Though he jokes a lot and seems heartless, he's quite profound as well. I'd love to read about his thoughts on anything. He's not a big person of sharing, but maybe a blog would make him be able to write a little emotion every now and then. Or he could make ridiculous sattircal articles similiar to those The Onion News Network makes (oh yeah, plug in The Garlic Information Station, it's a work in progress)

My girlfriend, let's call her Margo, she's also a very intelligent person. It perplexes me on how observant she is. She can really read a person and really see what's no there. I love her lots, and one of the reasons why is probably because she can see past my layer upon layer of smiles and jokes. She knows whats really down inside me, and she's OK with it. Which makes me OK with it.

Layers, Layers, Layers
Tunnels, Tunnels, Tunnels
Feelings in funnels

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Enemy of the State

I'm the new invading force
One man army, I've plot out my course
Rule over like Alexander the Great
I'm an Enemy of the State

Crushing down the status quo
Twisting in the wind is all of my foes
Wanted list, I'm number 1 through 8
You should know: I'm an Enemy of the State

[Verse 1]
I blot out the sun like a million Persian arrows
Rah, not a pharaoh, I close the path up narrow
Down to the marrow I'm just to much for them
A gem in a sea of impostors, I spit and not talking phlegm
The creme de la creme, the cream of the crop
They dream I'll stop, but that'd go against hip hop
I'm clean like a mop, so upon the contrary
You call yourself cancer? I'm chemo therapy
I sanitize my rhymes, dip them in my solution
Ingredients are always pure, never any dilution
One part style and One part lyrics
Always too potent so they can't get near this
I bet you feelin this close on your skin
Shivers up your spine like you just committed sin
A ghost on the track, I boast my attack
A demon pulling you down so you can't get back.

I'm the new invading force
One man army, I've plot out my course
Rule over like Alexander the Great
I'm an Enemy of the State

Crushing down the status quo
Twisting in the wind is all my foes
Wanted list, I'm number 1 through 8
You should know: I'm an Enemy of the State

[Verse 2]
I terrorize as I start to verbalize
Gimme beef, I'll let those burgers fry
Public Enemy #1, wanted only dead
Well instead that has bred me for only dread
I'm already used to this much hate
Is my fate always the enemy of their state?
Until I get here and change this society
Brain-washed soldiers will come and quiet me
Revolutionary: I will leave behind my legacy
Many wins, some losses, but never any treachery
I'm ready to claim my victory and my glory
The greatest uprise will be in fact my story
I'm etching in stone something more than havoc
Opportunity arrives, I don't let go, I grab it
I cause massive malice in the hearts of higher ups
For them, it'll take a lot more to shut me up!

I'm the new invading force
One man army, I've plot out my course
Rule over like Alexander the Great
I'm an Enemy of the State

Crushing down the status quo
Twisting in the wind is all my foes
Wanted list, I'm number 1 through 8
You should know: I'm an Enemy of the State

[Verse 3]
I can't be stopped, I cannot be contained
This is no trick, I am not David Blaine
Save your magic for some other time that's static
My divine comedy for you is simply tragic
I'll shatter the foundations of the buildings
If you're willing, join in my global chilling
A wizard that can summon blizzards at will
A warlock causing more shock with a single quill
I decimate and if I have to: I annihilate
If you try to wait you'll end up twice as late
I'm moving at the speed of destruction
The construction will no longer have function
They've toyed with me, so now I destroy
I leave it like a void or the lost city of Troy
Can't school me, the teacher in fly sneakers
When I find Radio Hip Hop, I'll make it bleaker
Enemy of their State: now the grim reaper

I'm the new invading force
One man army, I've plot out my course
Rule over like Alexander the Great
I'm an Enemy of the State

Crushing down the status quo
Twisting in the wind is all my foes
Wanted list, I'm number 1 through 8
You should know: I'm an Enemy of the State

Monday, November 23, 2009

Speak Like a Child


Speak like a child, I am spicy but not mild
It will take a while to understand how wild
The things are as he unleashes beasts onto bars
It goes very far to the distance of stars or the planet Char
I just swarm into the center of the storm
With a form so open it's the contrast of a dorm
I'm at a college level with my treble, it's incredible
I'm a rock, going to a boulder and I was a pebble
Growth is what I have achieved
Super like Mr. Reeves
I'ma fall like the leaves
Mr. Tree...
Why do you lose them all?
Why do you just let them fall?
Will it make you more than tall?
Do tell, please don't stall?
It's a secret, I won't leak it, I'll just keep it
But remeasure the temperature, read it, it just gets colder
And the leaves drop down to their knees like obedient soldiers
I'm the General Consensus and I present this
Reign that you have perceived is mist but I drench it
Like Victoria or the good city of Astoria
I get more than ya, and I get the Gloria
Do you get the story of the kid from Southeast 92nd?
Grew up around weapons and covered in tears from heaven
But with expert side-steppin avoid all the wreckin
And removed from the deckin so my name is Joker
I'ma show ya all the things they never told ya!
I'm gonna pull a bang shooter like a Ruger, but I knew ya...
Uneducated. Quick, get a tutor...
Before he ends up dumbfounded in a stupor
Whoa whoa whoa, peace just like the Buddha.

There's the natural pause for me to switch topics
I'ma drop this opposite of avalanche, so it's hotness
You got it? I'm a novice but I'm getting polished
So unknown with a power to own, what do you call this?
I go by many names, I just play many games
I will rise to the fame. Now I am Bruce Wayne
Scratch the last thought. I'm already a hero
Flyer than a Spearow, count me up Shaprio
Do you understand? Just call the number man
I just thunder slam until they call me wonder jam
So make a toast to the sir that is flyer than a bird
The Artisan with a partnership in spoken word
I concur that this nerd is very unheard
So like a symbiote, these lyrics you must quote
Take note of what the hell Alex Dang just has wrote:
Without any treason for a hundred seasons:
You should know, I'm the rhyme and she's the reason!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Seek, Look, Peak, Cook

Seeking, Seeking. What am I seeking for?
Looking, Looking. What am I looking for?
Peaking, Peaking. What are they peaking for?
Cooking, Cooking. What are they cooking me for?

Monday, November 16, 2009

Wind Blow

Listen to the wind blow
Invisible hands travel high and low
Hear the whispers of your kin folk
The unseeable finger strokes
Breezes make the leaves rustle
Unstoppable force similar to my hustle
Travels effortlessly like bubbles
Can move the earth with great muscle
A gust moves across the city
Never to be seen. A pity.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

No More Heroes

No more heroes left in town
Just me sitting in this ol chair, sit down
Let me tell you a tale
The final days where everything has failed
The heroes banded together
Flying through graceful as a feather
Landed at the evil lair
With a layer of justice to serve at the order of the Mayor
But it was a trap!
The villains arose, hear the thunder clap
The lightning streak across the sky
It took our heroes by surprise!
Struck down our warriors one by one
The villains laughed and made horrible puns
Monologued in the faces of their nemesis
They were finally taking precedence

Heroes have fallen. Villains rise.
It seemed like it was our demise.
Days crawled by with no sun in sight
Our city locked in eternal night
A darkness of portions perpetual
But then their actions looked questionable
The villains, contemplated what to do.
Kill them, humiliate, reveal what is true
But they didn't know how to seal their fates
Open up the pearly gates!
Make them watch their city burn
Teach them the lessons they must learn.
And they decided that they will teach
Truly defining what is to practice what you preach
The villains merged into the heart and soul of their enemies
Giving them each and all their memories

And since then, we've painted a many murals:
The day where we realized there are no more villains, no more heroes.

Just us. We decide.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Just Because

I'm not addicted, I'm just committed
Our hands tied together are just fitted
I basically know that we have words to say
No matter what the situation, we'll find a way
And we have for that matter, different methods
With corrected electives that's a bit selective
But understandable
We clench shut like mandibles
Tightly wound, very sound
I was lost. Then found
Very grateful
She keeps me together: she's my staples
Keeps me grounded, keeps me lifted
It's different. It's special. Gifted.
No particular reason why I'm saying this
Just because she's my bliss.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Alliteration Soundtrack

Get me with vibrant vicious verses
Somewhat of a creative crushing curse
Without the worse ways within will
Still has skill stepping skyward like heaven’s window sill
Chill like icicles inside inter Antarctica
Placed and put near peaceful paranoia
Told ya that the thunderous thoughts testify
I’m fly fiery feathers that are hot like fry
Try and get totally and thoroughly terminated
Like Dang’s disrespect is destroyed and devastated
Because I’m loyal like Labradors, I don’t ignore
With lyrics deeper than an atmosphere of albacore
Catch me in the core of chores without choruses
Like legendary lores that Lords are with
I pour us with perfected personas
I’ve got the crown down like a crusade corona

As an amazing alliteration astounds
Step softly so songs see stereo’s sound

Lifted like light beams, dreams, or leveling lasers
I say Hello, hey, or just simply Hi Hater
Pushing punishing puns in more ways then one
Rampaging rapiers and ravaging razors with ray guns
That stun and shock steadily soundtrack souls
I’m a whole wizard with words completing goals
A demolishing dragon crushing conflicted coals
Constantly consisting current creative tolls
Know that my knowledge knows kingly kin
Since within I pin and win like sanitizing sins
An excellent emperor enters entitles entities
Conquering cities and mastering microphone memories
Definitely distanced like far off little listens
I grow with a glow like godly golden glistens
And nightly nurture nocturnes by painting pictures
With scholarly scriptures that rocks Richter

As an amazing alliteration astounds
Step softly so songs see stereo’s sound

Last lyrics loan like suspicious sharks
A walk in the park to me is a deathly dark
Bark but no bite, no fight, not even plight
I present political presence that’s so polite
Right? But I can be rude, rough, raw and rugged
So much you’ll kick the big black bucket
Terrific tactics tip toe around though
With a flow so unknown like shy show solos
But I know though I can be like a Verona Vendetta
Vexing volatile villains on a vigilant veranda
Vicious and ferocious with focus that flows forward
I track the tacks that lack the knack to go toward
Complicated conflicts like astronomic atrocities
My hip hop hears, recites and records differently
Poetry in motion, monstrously massive and potent
Duly noted as my quest is quixotically quoted

As an amazing alliteration astounds
Step softly so songs see stereo’s sound


Blow the dust off, kick the rhythm
Write down what's inside my system
Dysfunctional and punctual
Snacks on tracks like Lunchables
The local focal point: the straight up
The made up, taking form inside a cup
Water that torrents and crashes down
A waterfall, a tidal wave, a misty gown
Assume any shape. One state of matter
Up to plate is the batter, the worst, the badder
From hand me down sneakers
Busted and blown with no bass speakers
I'm beyond the scope of teachers
Looks like we're playing follow the leader
The rain has fallen and it's a new season
I'm the Rhyme and She's the Reason.

Theory of Knowledge


[Verse 1]
My theory purely depends on the subject's mind
The answers are inside and it takes time to find
Variables are terrible, but I have it stable
This is not a fable, if you think: you are able
To use this device in all and any kind of life
To figure the price, believe in Christ, or destroy strife
My theory of knowledge is guaranteed to work
It can purge the thirst of power if it lurks
To prepare yourself, you must do a few things
Imagine, without it you won't have any wings
Open your mind to every single possibility
Then the potential level goes into infinity
It's quite monumental what to do with the mental
Untapped and raw power, it's not coincidental
That us human beings possess this ability
Sharpen your mind and THINK: that's my theory

Humble Uprising?

[Verse 2]
Personally I didn't go to a fancy university
To a lot of peoples eyes I just wasn't worthy
But I guess from rags to riches, I proved them wrong
I used my theory to make myself strong
I studied the classics and I revised my tactics
Over and over, just to make it fantastic
So that I may be in someone's eyes: brilliant
I had to stay resilient, almost militant!
I kept sharpening my tools to destroy fools
I kept my calm and cool as I learned in school
Mostly I studied others and my inspirations
I took their works and all of their creations
And I broke it down, word by word
Analyzed it's meaning, some say absurd
I digress, but when you're obsessed
This creates less stress and success

What inspires me?

[Verse 3]
My inspiration comes from everything I see
Things I can feel. Thoughts, feelings of care free
It inspires me to link together word combination
Sometimes its education or a simple mental vacation
The people in my life are wonderful sources
Speaking what I feel, awe inspiring forces
It can come from just simple actions that take place
To save face or create grace or even distaste
My inspiration can be generated through my aspirations
Though I'm eager to complete, I must have patience
I want to destroy the illusions and a few intrusions
One day I'll allude and share my final conclusions
But until that day, I will continue to become inspired
To seek knowledge: I am curious and I will inquire
For I may seem to know what I'm doing and competent
But I know little, though I still stay confident.