Sunday, December 25, 2011

Sam Parker

Ooh boy, open your eyes
A girl like me ain't waitin' all night
Ooh boy, better think twice
I got that honey, that sugar, that spice

[Verse 1]
And I'm feeling pretty good, like a ship's cargo
No more coolness embargo. You can't hate me: swag on Margo
Any kind of style, you know I can pull it off
Like a soggy band-aid. I'm blowing up like Molotov
This shouldn't be treated so damn serious
I'm trying to have some fun, don't be so delirious!
I'll drop a lot of gems like a forgetful jeweler
But today's my day off! Repeat Bueller
Leopard print vest, skinny pants check
I'm a lanky dude, so the tight jeans makes sense
Flash you a grin, I don't have the sapphires
And I'd sing to you, but I didn't take Choir!
So I rap instead like a Grandma at Christmas time
Got wraps like girls just got off of a fitness line
Yes I can be funny, yes I can do a couple jokes
No I'm not Bugs Bunny because that's not all folks!

I got hipster threads on, fresh cut like a lawn
Yeah I sound good like bacon at the crack of dawn
I'm feeling good, I-I'm feeling good
I'm feeling good, I-I'm feeling good
All my homework's gone, jammin' to my song
Kicks so clean you can call me Fei Long
I'm feeling good, I-I'm feeling good
I'm feeling good, I-I'm feeling good

Ooh boy, open your eyes
A girl like me ain't waitin' all night
Ooh boy, better think twice
I got that honey, that sugar, that spice

[Verse 2]
How am I feeling? Like Mr. Goodbar
In more ways than one. I got wordplay like Jafar
I'm so sharp, touch me and you get sliced
My style is so neat, it's Ryan Gosling Nice
Writing in my notebook, the march of my ideas
You didn't misunderstand, I'm kicking like Adidas
Who else you know rocks bow ties every Tuesday?
I put in work so much I ain't trippin' on the due dates
I'm at where the impossible and possible meet
I'm a centipede podiatrist: look at all my feats!
Damn, dude, I crack myself up sometimes
Like a suicidal egg who ain't very wise
Too hot too handle: cast iron skillet
The Fresh Prince doing whatever, I did will it!
I am legend, hitch me with happiness, NICE!
Listening to Jazz like Will needs advice

I got hipster threads on, fresh cut like a lawn
Yeah I sound good like bacon at the crack of dawn
I'm feeling good, I-I'm feeling good
I'm feeling good, I-I'm feeling good
All my homework's gone, jammin' to my song
Kicks so clean you can call me Fei Long
I'm feeling good, I-I'm feeling good
I'm feeling good, I-I'm feeling good

Ooh boy, open your eyes
A girl like me ain't waitin' all night
Ooh boy, better think twice
I got that honey, that sugar, that spice

Made in Awesome

Oh sweet Tumblr. I drink from your water
Read from the Facebook: become a scholar
Where did I read it? I'm forever indebted
This world is an Amazon? I've already said it

[Verse 1]
It's Revenge of the Nerds every time I speak hater
Sometimes, my rhymes you won't get until 28 Weeks Later
Check me in The Room, in my zone, always gonna pwn
Vicious like Warriors, call me a Gladiator, I only roam
Even on my day off, I'm always putting work in
You hate me for certain? I don't give an eff: swag on virgins
You Gremlins and goblins can't mess with this real monster
I'm the real ruler and inches away from total conquer
Catch Me If You Can, I'm on a totally other level
I'm way too hot right now, playing WarGames with the Devil
Slicker than Grease, I say peace like a Priest
I increase my steeze because I've got more Gs
You couldn't hold a candle to me, let alone 16
My requiems for dreams are way too supreme
Way more than a citizen, equipped with a pimp cane
Call me the Sandlot crew because I've got game!

Oh sweet Tumblr. I drink from your water
Read from the Facebook: become a scholar
Where did I read it? I'm forever indebted
This world is an Amazon? I've already said it

[Verse 2]
I'm running all around while you jacks stay stuck in a box
Napkin bibs, our crew mobs deep. We run this block
I bury MCs like dead Happy Meals, you want fries with that?
Well if I'm deeper than rap than I'm deeper than snack wraps
Yes I'm a big mac, you think that's a whopper?
I'm a deep fried baconaitor: heart stopper
I double down on the odds and come up with more cheese
Demeanor is like hamburger buns: I'm spreading out hella seeds!
Infamous, I've got more comebacks than the McRib
Like my slang? Like my words? You like the cut of my jib
In and Out, pop pop, like a drive by drive thru
I sound good like Taco Bell or iTunes
Breakfast talk all the time, talking about my bread
Well how about I make a toast to the haters instead
You want beef? Well I'll grill it up and what do you expect?
Trying to bite my style? Well dude, eat fresh!

Oh sweet Tumblr. I drink from your water
Read from the Facebook: become a scholar
Where did I read it? I'm forever indebted
This world is an Amazon? I've already said it

[Verse 3]
I'm more dope and more crack than 30 Rocks
I can out verbal you any day. Sass level on Dr. Cox
I'm at home with the disses, what are you talking about?
Everywhere I go I see jokes about you, that's a Full House
Want to battle me? I make this to an American Horror Story
I got the Friday Night Lights to shine on my glory
Yes I'm the boss. I floss and chill so gangsta in my office
Fly without Wings, I'm too polished and flawless
I've got a gang of Friends, an entire Community
Did I do that? Doesn't matter like diplomatic immunity
I'm the Fresh Prince, Princess, Queen and King
Always taking first at reigionals and I don't gotta sing
Style on Freaks and Geeks, but it's way too unique
My technique is Gossip Girl sheik, everyday of the week
I revitalize entire neighborhoods: Orange County
I met all your mothers, you know it's true: don't even doubt me

Oh sweet Tumblr. I drink from your water
Read from the Facebook: become a scholar
Where did I read it? I'm forever indebted
This world is an Amazon? I've already said it

Saturday, December 24, 2011


[Verse 1]
And honestly, my honesty being questioned at every turn
Will make me reevaluate myself with every spurn
My stomach churns, my heart breaks and my head aches
My soul and the soles of my feet have made mistakes
More than any person should make, besides the fact
The point is I'm still intact but still under attack
Perfectly justified combat, don't pity me today
Don't feel bad for me tomorrow, I don't want the cliches
I want the peace of mind, not at war
I don't want the metaphors, I want to hear its core
Forgive, forget, regret, relive.
Let me die, let me live, let me grab a pan and sieve
Filter out all the ugliness and what is even left?
Half a human? Even less? That's not daft or deft
Theft of intellectual property, space in my mind
Blankness being taken over by steps that over wind
And everything falls apart, and everything crumbles
And the walls shudder and humbly I will continue to huddle
Crawl space, bold face, yes I am misplaced
This race, this pace, giving meaning to human waste
Stress builds up better than pre-school blocks now
And there's still a mess even if you knock it down
My fingers grip with the power of a vice
But my vices will remind me that I am not that nice
So I lose it and I fall. I leave without my all
Bleach my sins and let my voice echo off the wall
The heart grows 5 sizes bigger that day
But what if you start off with no heart to play?
Zero times anything is zero
Basically my life summed up, bad luck at a casino
Spin the wheel, roll the dice, flip the cards
The odds against you are stacked. This is way too hard
And that's what I told her, I want you to rub my head
I want you to tell me things will be alright instead
Hold me tighter, the cracks are getting bigger
Squeeze me too tight and I'll go off like a trigger
Walk that fine balance, I'm on the cool team
But without any friends is what it seems
So loneliness is my closest acquaintance
I don't want to say friends, because I'm afraid it's
Going to come true. Going to be reality
If I revisit and revise all my different strategies
Will you be mad at me? Will you rattle me?
Will you shake me until I go numb? Is this how it will be?!
I'm a mess. Even though I look clean
You think I'm nice. Even though I am mean
You think this, but I'll say it's that.
You want to chit but I won't want to chat
I want to talk. I want to see you face to face
I want to hear your voice. Please don't make haste
The fire is so warm, the sky is so clear
The stars look down on us only because they fear
They're a captive audience looking on stage
Let's perform for them, give them something for the age
So what do you say? Do we say good night?
Will we say good morning? Well, we might.
And if that's the case, let's be brief
I've got things on my chest locked up, be my thief
I'm afraid you'll pawn away those pieces of me
For everybody to have, but I'm willing to see

And if I need to return, I've got my receipt.

The One

And so Phineas awoke on a perfectly normal day
Eyes blinking away the thoughts but they stayed
Remnants of his dreams from last night
Still play in his head but he can't remember it completely right
Something about a girl and a boy and a fight
Maybe a purple giraffe trying to take flight
He chalks it up to nothing but still feels it
As he gets up from his bed and it's revealed this
Is the day his life changes from average to great
Even if you don't believe in destiny or fate
This is just a story on your plate
To make you understand and have a little taste
Phineas dragged his sleep heavy limbs
To the bathroom and looked in the mirror at him
Deciding to take a shower and brush his teeth
He skipped his normal routine of rolling up leaves
Feeling different this morning, a little more aware
Phineas takes a chance and sends a text to his lady fair
"Want to get some coffee in an hour?"
Then he heads straight into the shower
Hot water pelting his skin, refreshing his mind
Something clicked inside him to really feel his grind
"Today, I'm going to go get everything I want"
And his phone buzzes as soon as his shower stops
"Sure thing!" she replies back with a smiley face
And that is all he needs to feel right back in grace
Cleans up his apartment, tidies up his place
Headed out the door with his new shoes laced
Loafers and a vest, he feels fancy for some reason
Skinny jeans and a pea coat, still dressed for the cold season
Walking down the avenue, ear buds locked
He was going to take the bus, but decides to walk
Crisp air tickling his eyes and cleaning his lungs
Phineas feels the ladder and he's climbing every rung
Gets to the coffee shop and he sits by the window
He decides to order the coffees now, he takes off his pea coat
Orders a black coffee for him and a latte for her
And as he takes his seat with the drinks he knows for sure
That this day is special. This day is different.
This day is wonderful. This day he is living.
His nerves are steel, his spirit resolute
Today is the day to tell her the truth
To tell her how he really feels and to find out
What she's really about and hear it from her mouth
And not from the imagined situations
That he illustrates every night with complication
The door jingles as a new patron walks in
He looks up and his small smirk turns into a grin
She sits down and they soon begin to chit and chat
About this and that, about her, him and laugh
The mood mellows between them and he sense this moment
His eyes focus and he begins to assemble the components
Of the list compiled in his head that she needs to hear
It's now or never, not going to wait until New Years
"Look, we've known each other for quite some time now
And I don't really understand how
We haven't had this conversation before.
But basically..." He hesitates, pondering running out the door
"I'm sick of this town, I'm sick of my life.
I've cashed my savings and I'm leaving tonight."
She looks dumbfounded and blatantly confused
"And I'm not telling you to try to guilt you"
She looks around with an expression incredulous
Both staring at each other with thoughts ridiculous
"If you want to come you can, because I understand
You hate it here too, and I did plan
Enough money for us both if you decided to go."
With a stunned look and a slight shake no
Phineas gets up and leaves his new address
"Stay in touch with me, please." And now he has a second guess
As he walks away, what was supposed to happen
And right before he begins to imagine
He shakes away those thoughts, they only perplex
He's inches away from his new life. Just one step.
Just one more step.
Just one more step.

Thursday, December 15, 2011


My swag so ill it deserves to be in a hospice
But of course there would be no way to stop this
And the problem is, that my awesome-ness
Is in the Danger Zone kind of like Kenny Loggins is
I'm more fly than you ostriches, the latter is preposterous
Droppin' this like the opposite of avalanche, that's hotness
Elemental rhymes like phosphorus, sicker than Honduras
This creature feature is not cookie but just as monstrous
Check this polished-ness, honor this labor so arduous
My metropolis of consciousness is so bottomless
So the commonness is poppin from the top of this esophagus
I martyr'd this and then authored it, Batman and Robin wit
Guarded this with garnishes of blossoms, it's
Obviously fresher than my Listerine Lozenges
Pardon this, but rappers looking more yellow than jaundice is
Which in turn tells me to roll out, swag on Optimus
This verse has kinship to cherries: no way in toppin' it
And on top of this, my accomplishments
Are experiments in displaying my forms of confidence
Observe my brain surgeon skills inside of rocket ships
Ponder this, my tone is never ever monotonous
And when I speak, I reach but none will ever respond to this
The steps I take and make couldn't be filled by colossus'
Cinderella man, rising up out of the humble novices
I'm winning every single round, victories flawlessness
Flow so fluid that the way I do it is compared to nautilus
Spiderman? Rhymer, damn, this dude is so marvelous
Aura so ominous the music is reaching the populous
Awfulness? Nah this craft is star, go ask Arcturus
Harmfulness is hardly the case with these fodder bits
If I were to take care of them, don't account the lawlessness
When you look it up, greatness with me is synonymous
And out of my acropolis comes more damage than Anonymous
I'm so fresh to death, outfit deft on top of the zombie-ness
In the end get Edgar Allen Pwned, out rapped by a novelist

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Super Mafioso

[Verse 1]
So shiny and new, feeling extra super clever
Fire like the fire flower, flyer than the super feather
Warp to a new world, Hip Hop 2-1
Flip flop, never son, drip drop until it's done
Invincible star man, where would my bars land?
Community like Dan Harmon, peep this nerd jargon
A paragon of intelligence and flyness alike
Saving the princess like "Good day and good night!"
Other rappers are giant lizards and over sized monkeys
My flow more funky and there's are messed up and junky
7 different castles? What a hassle, I'm not impressed
Wearing a tie can't make you run a country, give it a rest
I'm running circles around these lame green turtles
My verbals have 1 upped everything, it's universal
Bring it back, listen to that, deeper than rap
Just let your head bang like there's hammers in your cap

[Verse 2]
Super leaf, super sheik, kind of like a super thief
Rule it like a ruthless chief, Charlie Brown: Good Grief
I smash others, blast covers, sick boy like Don Glover
Past smother, rap butter, smooth talking like your lover
Bruise like a peach, but I've got monstrous speech
The sky for me is not a reach since I practice what I preach
I'm in the clouds like there's wings on my hat
Check the facts, rep my stats, being first and I'll always last
I'm on track like a rainbow road
I lyrically stack lines exactly like a bar code
I'm riding dragons and dinosaurs, reptile function
I'm where coolness and dapper meets, style junction
Classier than a penguin, more hip hop than frog
I'm better than bad, I'm good like a log
I've got sunshine rhymes posted in the galaxy
Shining all over the place and doing it so casually

[Verse 3]
I'm so advance, I'm a step up like a dance
Overall better than most like blue pants
Breaking bricks with karate words, doing it so absurd
Might as well jump man, have you seen my inner nerd?
Too deluxe, never sucks, always shiny never rust
My words bust out of a box like a ten coins, trust
Only time my foes get love is when they're playing tennis
I stack up these block heads like I'm bad at tetris
Got my own soccer league, so I'm allowed to kick it
Rhymes so wicked included with signs wanting to picket
But you get cricket chirps and reveal what it's worth
I'm more super than dudes with a red S on their shirt
I provide everyone this super anthem
Too handsome, doubled like a tandem, stature like a mansion
Go against this Kingdom and get royally messed up
I step in and it's a party complete with red cups

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Good Night and Good Luck

[Verse 1]
I say to all the girls: good night and good luck
Because finding a right guy out here gets tough
Running all around like all dogs go to heaven
But if that's the case then this guy wouldn't slide out at 11
I'm not trying to be so absurdly heroic
All I know is that with my chances I shouldn't blow it
The hard stoic badass was not a good strategy
So I switched it up and came down to earth: gravity
Love at first sight? Well good night and good luck
We're young so we believe in that love at first *huh*
Rolling around in bed, I'd rather be in your head
Wearing pink lingerie but girl I know you're seeing red
I'm trying to get to know your mind, feed you mine
While these other guys just try to feed you lines
Thou art a sunset, I doth confess my lady
Have some change, no quarterback, no offense Tom Brady

[Verse 2]
They say girls are flowers, you tryna pollinate?
Don't take this the wrong way, pardon the stinger, how about a date?
Cause baby you're a lotus, petals up: focused
And you live your life floatin' and beautiful, open
Never that hopeless, regardless of whatever
I take as long as you to get ready: let's acknowledge the effort
Without being gilded or guarded, how about a bouquet of lilies?
It's a bit chilly. Do you want my coat? Not trying to be silly
I can make you laugh like a clown's corsage
We can 5 star it up or play crappy guitar songs in my garage
Be you, be yourself, that is by far the importance
To know this is to know the secret ingredients and components
Take a gamble, play your cards and roll the dice
But you can't buy love with that, it's over priced
But not over rated.
And if we dated I would say it, and be able to play it, not waste it

[Verse 3]
So we shouldn't expect every women to be a model
But don't expect every guy to always want to rev the throttle
Imagine both sexes equally and with complexity
If you're getting next to me, I want to know you, definitely
We can send notes back and forth, we can skip fourth period
And I really mean this. Ellipsis. That's three more periods.
Not every girl wants a husband, but I think we all want trust kid
And we want some sort of mutual feeling in abundance
We're not too different, this isn't black and white
Good luck, good day and good night!
And not all men want to be friends with quotation marks
And getting your legs to part is not a way to the heart
Stereotypes exist for a reason though, that's a fact
But numbers lie sometimes, and some of us have your back
So even though most guys destinations are your thighs
Let's throw away the key and LME, locking down eyes: easy as pie

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Grover Cleveland

Stay on beat, raised on streets, rapping action check this feat
Stay too mean, stays too keen, these teens monster conquers treats
I be intellectually bad ass, incidentally hard as brass
Without grass, my verse surf on turf is twice as fast
Do it like a warrior. Kill it like a Savage
More brave in the face, Cleveland C plus: above average
Cutting cabbage, let us in and we demolish it
Call Mr. Burns, excellence in digging this: archeologist
Run and tell, 100 K, this May, I be weighed
If I stay, if I play, We Won't Pay, Drama time: I call this D Day
Storming your beaches, cleaner than bleach is and my reaches
Will be heavily debated in this state more than my speech is
Cooking on the stove sir, just a little before it's over
We cleave the land, cut it up, you call us Grover
Flyer than a big bird, flowing like Swedish Fish
This is the seamless hit, check out all of our geniuses stints
Tailored up so I'm close fitted in this minute, let us win it
Vivid image without pivots, break it down, unscrew rivets
References like Quinn, more knowledge than a library
We primary and love our milk: legendary
Never scary, always confident. Bleeding out confidence
And on top of this our compliments are all of our accomplishments
Green and gold, let it fold, we will hold, stay too bold
Spending only four years here makes you very wise and old
With more beef than Burgerville, we still stay very chill
Reasons 9 and 10, too ill with this quill, yes we will
In this Safari we were raised in academies
Battle me, rattle thee, I run this: I am the Mayer of this Rap City
Revolution in this evolution, clear, high resolution
No substitution, we remain too lucid. Stay filthy: pollution
Here's a strike, down the lane, knock 'em down, feel the pain
Throw a dollar: make it rain. Make it hail, throw up change
We're the biggest mac, McDonald's gets one finger
Cleveland Kids scent linger. Throw a diss? We toss back a million zingers
Independent girls only and we got Noho's
Intelligent pearls in our story and a couple of "Go Bro"s!
One axe, one sword, one mic, one word
Never wack, always lord, many bikes, swagger nerds
Automated like robotics, bonded like we're ionic
Colors like throwback Sonics, our phonics are so damn iconic
We make headlines like corduroy pillow sheets
Try to billow our treats and we will show you how we widow the elites
Odd on one side, even on another, check the cover
Burn rubber like no other. We don't even stutter or try to mutter
Upholding our glorious name without any notorious games
Our brains uphold in fame our intense meritorious reign
You can see me, you can see us, we are by far the most Visible
With a physical and spiritual understanding, it''s all principle
We're always in your head like questions rhetorical
Check the historical content: we are Cleveland Oracles
Never more like a raven. But we steadily remain amazin'
Flyer than a spaceship, we glide above the concrete pavement
Nobody does it like we or as righteously
My fill of nobility is 47 knights. We do it: Nike
Above us is Olympus, below us is Atlantis
We've got prey like a mantis. No longer jogging: we ran this
Manage like superiors, clearer than a shallow lakes interior
We don't get more tired, miserable or wearier
Off the walls, down the hall, never stall, only call
Let's bounce like a ball. Did we leave? One word: fall
Senior Status: our apparatus sa7s we're tall like Maddix
Lay it down like a mattress. For your information we're fantastic
2012, even the Mayans saw us coming
We're running and gunning to be the very best, no need for shunning
Stunning, handsome, lovely, attractive and oh, so, beautiful
Far from the usual dutiful cubicle slaves, we're musical
AND talented. 300 strong and we upset the balance, kid
We're not Spartans, we're warriors. We'll accept all your challenges.

Sunday, October 16, 2011


As I walk down the halls through the school yard
Teens living that dream speaking of drugs soft and hard
Jabbering and gabbing about this and that last weekend
But this is where the weak ends, and where the strong begins
I don't rely on liquid courage to give bravery
The slavery of said imagery is thin, papery
Without plans to experiment with different contaminants
I can't help but feel self-righteous, perhaps I don't understand it's
Appeal, and I'd have to try it all myself
But what I'm afraid of the most is losing it all, and hell
I barely got it back, so why should I risk double Jeopardy
Where I would triple my chances of hearing "You're dead to me."
Spark a bush, I'd rather watch the sparks fly up
A little purple in the red, I'd rather sip tea from my cup
Popping pills, I think I'll choose rocking quills
And still, my peers think the distilled is the world's will
Media and society have taught us differently
Some independent minded have lost it all shockingly
But let's not talk about them, this is my perspective
This is my directive without any contraceptives
General populous is asking me to come back down
And it's funny how he's asking that as if I smoked a pound
My thoughts too weird and too funky, something's junky
A screw or two loose, silly goose, harping on me being too plucky
Never calming down, asked if I'm medicated
Nope, my mind is so meditated and being over stimulated
And if I simulated my unparalleled realities and visions
The collision of precision is decided by my decision
The schism of make-believe and real wouldn't exist
Instead to persist the assist of magic is the purest
Noble intentions with a global redemption
Is the focal and vocal exception to my inception
Remember me like Hennessy but minus the black out
Antonym of blizzard, chilly like Philly: run this like Stackhouse
If you say screw my drive, I'll get you loose like Vodka did
Then they say "My, my: this kid's provocative!"
Vicodin? Try again. My mic said it would never bend
Rushing, scoring and thrilling for gold like Michael did
I stare at Polaroids to get my mind like a Rolls Royce
Cylindrical film that unravels revealing no steroids
Only stereos and speakers that have permeated
In the term belated this word is to be fated never dated
And I'm never stuck, cruising like a puck, on a duck hunt
Destiny and luck mixed in one just to be blunt
I swish and wish my flow hits like a blow fish
And if I whoa hits then the delivery can clean the dish
So when they ask me to come back down, I toss them wings
Then maybe we can all be up here as queens and kings

Monday, October 3, 2011

Ivan Capp

I met a dude the other day named Ivan Capp
This bad cat had swag that's on top like a hat
He taught me a few things, a few how to raps
So I came back to lyrically attack on this track
In my section, my direction shows discretion
Because this session is popping off: smith and wesson
Bring protection, you know that I'm about to wreck it
Emotional injection, exclamation: interjection
My lingo is single and down under like dingos
On the hunt like Gringos, more flamboyance than Flamingos
Bingo in Santa Domingo: I flow and mingle
And the tingle is putting the rhymes under wrinkle
And then I shake and break any kind of wake
In this lake I stake and take and remake a quake
I kick back and punch lines so divine, times by nine
Swing on vines and crush grapes: my rhymes fine wine
So this time, I remix it and re-twist it at your urge
This sir is about to put the nerve down on verbs
And this nerd will put your head down to the curb:
American History X but please be insured
That this measure is by far more mature than the word
Flyer than the birds that come outta my mouth
100 keys from my ivory teeth that belong in the south
Dope quotes and illness being spewed from my orifice
Pour this: I know it, reinforced it then scorched it
With the purple, being drank up and smoked down
I know know my verbal is comparable to the force of rounds
Now watch me modify greatly and savagely
I rattle beats like the mastery of vocabulary is mad at me
There's not matching me: claiming quite pompously
My debauchery makes your hypothesis become mockeries
You talking to me? How audacious and complacent!
You belligerent fool, being a simpleton is cool? You racist
I'm more than a thing, I'm proper and about to conquer
The ruler is back, inches away from being a monster
Moving more than Tonka, rhymes sweeter than Wonka
Shocking and exciting: the style is brutal like Blanka
But it's down right fierce, call it Hadoken
Thought provoken, this token of cloakin
Is holding a dagger and a cigar: I'm sharp and smokin
But the lord of this ring and arena: JRR Tolkien
I've got a pro-sound that is so unbound
These clowns get astound as I lay down my nouns
Holding this song together: I'm the duct tape and glue
Yes it is true, I do like blue and flew adieu
Without a pause, BUT kind of like a clause
I hold paws and fangs so I'm beasting out raw
I'm a junction of function and construction
Keeping everything together, I'm the rapper conjunction
Bumpkins get confused when I add verbiage
Like herbage it's fresh and always ready for purchase
Before you prep your position, lend me tuition
My limited witted demeanor is about to be in fruition
Healthy nutrition, so my disposition
Is by far the greatest stance I can take: preposition
Stay down like a winter coat, profound like a different quote
No longer an amateur: I'm a pro-noun in the winner scope

Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Crow

Yes I'm the family black sheep. I dream when I'm not asleep
And while describing me deep, I take form as a broken crow
Living life with reckless abandon, might as well been shot from a cannon
Because without a companion I'm just as depressing as an empty show
Peering through visuals, an idealistic individual
Levels have reached past critical, and yes this system is about to blow
Reading through tombs and novels, never did I once grovel
Even inside of a desolate hovel, my pride continues to grow
Picture perfect on the outside, passion and heart mixed with stride
Without any remarks snide, I stay as humble as fresh snow
I'm still grounded and down to earth, but even at my birth
I flew and for what it's worth, my curse will never woe
Since I take my weakness, and I made it my sleekness
So the cheapness of the petty jokes roll off low
Check out my confidence, look into my consciousness
Blasting like a rocket ship, I'm the space captain without a co
I'm lonely on this journey, but if we speed it up like Hermes
Push me down like a gurney, that is definitely a no
Let me write my story, my pen is my sword for glory
Never courting past forty, I plan to be married just to let you know
My life will be extra happy if I keep spitting just like Daffy
And if my son calls me pappy, please God, just let time go slow
One of my important moments, one of my important components
Let my opponents know this: your time is counted like my toes
Don't interfere with my family, you don't understand this gravity
Battle me and gladly I'll return every shot, slash and blow
And it goes deeper than that, it goes deeper than craft
It goes deeper than rap and that's just how the chapter flow
Because even with the knowledge, I still might not be polished
And even after college I still might be thinking no
Many people say they have it, but they lose, they don't not grab it
For them love is a habit, but it should run through your heart below
And through your soul twine, and through your whole mind
Just like a fine wine let it age through you slow
I've been pondering tonight about what to do with my life
How slowly do I turn the knife if I've got no place to go?
So let me smile through madness, my grin cuts through sadness
And imagine what happens, I can tell them I told you so
I quiver when I'm an archer, won't stop until I'm partner
My wit is only getting sharper, it's tied up just like a bow
I'm the rhyme and she's the reason and it's the season for leavin'
So if we fall under the treason, I'll still figure how to just glow
Ready to learn more lessons, prepared to jam out some sessions
And these were his confessions: your my best friend to let you know
His heart was lost and found inside her hands and in the sound
And let the feelings astound, too heavy you cannot throw
So it will not go out, it has won every bout
What's the champion about, a new status quo
This is normalcy, my greatness isn't fallacy
Smile at the galaxy. Going up: engines on turbo
Moving at the speed of light, this is what I need tonight
To reinvent my plight, peaks and valleys, no plateaus
So if I'm feeling great, maybe I'm feeling fate
Or I'm finally in my grace, pause for my ballerina pose
I know I won't be finished. My spirit never diminished
You talk it, then I lived it. And I've reaped everything I sew
Would I want go back in time? To re do some of my rhymes?
Only to relive that era in grind, otherwise, roshambo!
Since it's all just chance, I leave it to romance
When I went to the dance, all I could really say is whoa
I'm mixing up my memory, I'm dissolving into energy
You might be an enemy but you were listening though?
You are now my friend, and this will never end
I've returned again, and came back as The Crow
And then reborn as a fox, because I could never stop
And if I cannot be caught, then I have no choice but to go!

And then reborn as a fox, because I could never stop
And if I cannot be caught, then I have no choice but to go!

Sunday, September 25, 2011


[Verse 1]
First of all, I would miss you
But I never miss, that's the real issue
Down to my muscle, tissue and my nerves
At birth I was singled out with every curse and verse
Derived from the tragedy of the 4th one gone
Comically I awoke like eggshells at the crack of dawn
I've realized I'm not a part of anyone's dynasty
The travesty of my reality cannot fathom me
I hold keys to my kingdom, I am every royalty
I am every single pauper and beggar too, don't spoil me
The king of my land, the queens in my hand
Every merchant, farmer, single mother and man
Saving the princess who's me, rescued my own life
I'm the rebellious prince that sneaks out in the night
And since I used to hide my eyes with tints
I look now at the sun in the mirror and never wince
Put the crown down, and then I pick it up
I'm everything and nothing, but I'm always enough

This is an introduction, a preface to the novel
If you don't want to bounce, then just wobble

T A K U M I The Fox!
T A K U M I The Fox!
T A K U M I The Fox!
T A K U M I The Fox!

And it never seems so long
And it never seems so wrong
And it never seems so strong
So you can all just sing along

[Verse 2]
I'm confidence unbound, I finally feel great
I finally feel like my namesake's destiny and fate
Even if I have to use adjectives like swagger
To explain my chatter is dapper with subject matter
I'll couple it with laughter with a couple of jokes
Make you say holy cow like a bovine pope
Silly and serious and whole lot of Castanza
My verses endanger: panda stazas
Dreams of grandeur that insures a bright career
But before that I need some help from my peers
Because they don't know me as well as I hope
So when I kick dope quotes they don't think I wrote
So I'm starting to create an alter ego
So when he blows I'll still be a super hero
Even though I want my graduating class to be proud of me
I don't want them to flock when my money gets calories
I want them to like me before I get big
So they can tell the others "I was at his first gig"

This is an introduction, a preface to the novel
If you don't want to bounce, then just wobble

T A K U M I The Fox!
T A K U M I The Fox!
T A K U M I The Fox!
T A K U M I The Fox!

And it never seems so long
And it never seems so wrong
And it never seems so strong
So you can all just sing along

And it seems like everybody's fly
But I'm still down to earth, who knows why
I'm composed of both good and evil
And the people that help me are my equals
Even if I say that I am the very best
It's just who has the money to past the test
Grade me on merit, grade me on hard work
I'm just saying, I am not a jerk

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Evening Coffee

Here we are, staring at each other across the table
Listening to stories, exchanging morals without fables
I'm not able to separate the friends from the lovers
Without going under covers, but ascending my status as a brother
I want to hear the tales of grit, the myths and facts
The climax of your book, the syntax of my rap
Every trap, every pitfall, I want to hear it all
Where to start? We've got time inside this stall
Free refills because the coffee is on me
Just bring the honesty and I'll gladly pay, no worry
What's weighing on your head? The last time you said instead?
The last compromise, that last time you felt dead?
Tell me about your travels, let the problems unravel
Are you all bright sunshine? There has to be some shadows
The java wakes up my senses, my veins are lava
I'm eager to commit to memory your entire saga
Your scars, your eyes, deep like the night sky
With no demise, inside where do you feel your pride?
Questions I seek to be answered, but overall addressed
Every message expressed, my mind's a mess
But this stress will digress and be less, at best
The Northwest air will take out all guess and check
No BS for a few minutes, let's make it ten
Tell me how you feel exactly, let's be more than friends
Let's be connected through childhood trauma
Bond through the dramas and make our sentences run on, comma
And of course we'll honor in this late night coffee shop
As long as our conversations won't just stop
This should be forged and of course be strong
Let's make this an album, not just a lonely song
This can be more than just one chapter
I'm not asking for happily ever after, just a few captured
Moments in times, memories in rhyme, plural
The idea is to have more than just once, multiple
Make it a weekly occurrence, let it flow like currents
Let no one deter it, we'll furnish our new furnace
Slow and warm, don't use all the gas
I'll take off one by one all of my masks
The task here is to breakdown each layer and wall
So eventually we can feel comfortable enough to call
And so we can cry and we can laugh with each other
Clear words exchanged: no more stutters or mutters
Arise from petty high school statuses
Let's be old world friends, it doesn't matter its
Obviously a little crazy, a little idealistic
But I'm an old soul and a classic romantic
Maybe I've fallen too greatly with this little dream
Maybe I'm a lot lonelier than I really seem

Monday, September 12, 2011


When I go, I wanna go my own way
Saving someone's life, without debts to repay
With all the knowledge of the world in my head
I hope I was able to say everything I needed to be said
I wrote a couple books, had a couple dope hooks
I flowed like a brook and was castled like a rook
But on this board, I'm the crown-less king
Boundless things have me surrounded by wings
I've been pawned with my brawn and so on
But my ripples of influence are bigger on my pond
So when the day fell, I arose as a Knight
L formations that made this loser shine bright
Diagonal sabbatical with tactical radical
A bishop with the wordplay: holy grammatical
People attend my funeral, I'll make sure to put the fun in it
Men and women can live it so vivid in my fifteen passed minutes
Smile at my casket, make sure I look good in my jacket
If someone is dressier than me, make sure I match it
Because ain't no way that I'm not the classiest at my own wake
You must be dreaming, I'll wake you up if that's what it takes
Play some good music, don't let it be so morbid
What am I buried with? Wait until I get to the chorus
Invite the bullies and the girls that broke my heart
Let them know that I cared for them since the very start
Sure they can regret, they can even not give a damn
But let them understand that even as a baby I was the man
Make my tombstone have a very good epitaph
Shorter than a paragraph, serious chuckles but not a huge laugh
I want to be smiled down upon and think about fondly
Keep me clean so when I meet him I'll be the closest to Godly
Let my eulogy be delivered by someone who can speak well
A bad orator is worse than death, that is something I can tell
And when I go, I guess I better say
In my box, the fox is buried in a very specific way

Bury me in a fine Italian suit
My favorite Nike shoes and my mic from the booth
Bury me a book and a black pilot pen
So on the way there I can write again and again

Bury me in something really classy
Bury me a copy of the Great Gatsby
Looking for Alaska and Catcher in the Rye
I'll need something to read before I gotta fly

Thursday, September 1, 2011


[Verse 1]
So calculated, heavily debated
Instigated if I made it, ding ding, I weighted
Champion status, I lay nouns down with the pounds
And the mounds astound as I word play around
I'm a priest integer, I'm real holy
And when I flow b, It's Zero Kilos like Okey Dokey
It's OK like absolute zero, I'm the astute hero
I'm not gambling, I'm so at home: casino
The odds for me are evenly stacked
But the matter of fact is your red-faced when I get you blacked
Out of range, I'm out of a domain
I reign like pain and remain so disciplined: Cane
I've got my stripes, I'm more than ripe
I'm hand picked and prepared like Apple PI
Irrational is nowadays so fashionable
But their moves are so predictable and calculable
Talking about High Pot Nooses, trying to win
But I'm too CosY when I tan out my Sins
My solutions are improvements on the institution
My movements are smoother without substitution
No subtraction, my transactions of actions
Are impassioned with the magnets of madness
Raging on numbers like this just got real
Paging down my wonders because this is how I feel
Try to graph me and I'm off the charts
Try to match me and I'll lap before you start
I think my affinity is my mentality
And ability to be quick witted past agility
I calm down quickly and start to gingerly
Drink my cup of tea like I'm Bruce Lee the MC
No limits, I'm up to infinity
In one minute I'll reach my eternity
My hope is so dope and will rope and cope
That it's unstoppable, what I wrote: Asymptote
I float the moats of my mind into my throat
So what I quote flows harder than an armored boat
Never jammed, my logged based rhythm is
Consistently keeping a good speed: it's well driven
I'm TI times 89, I'm a design to the rhymes
I'm a king of the mind, a 3rd encounter kind
Double Os are what the fans eyes are
Wide stare, I'm there, when I start spitting bars
Salivating Krugerrands, they're yelling "You the man!"
Where does my cuckoo land? Flying like Superman
Number 12 as I delve into the shelves myself
And the wells of wealth are meld and dealt
Rocking 1s on my toes: primary feat
Threepeat, my elite beats are sure to defeat
Aiming without missing, got down to a science
Call it Trigger-nometry, Takumi or Wyatt
I'm a Peacemaker, beat breaker, speech placer
And all and all I've just got peak haters
Sounds good like a bell, I curve it quite well
I'm an A plus in the class, on a curb, I can tell
I add some of this, I multiply my hits
Divide all my quits and subtract any miss
Even when I tangent I still stay on track
Because I write universes till it fades to black
Stretching out beyond the world out there
I'm twice the rapper, yes I am MC Squared
I'm another plane living in another quadrant
I kill squadrons generally without being a flight Sargent
So pardon as I verify all my proofs within the hour
My work shows that the answer is I have greater powers

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Mr. Invisible

Mr. Invisible!
He just wants to save the day
Mr. Invisible!
He just wants to be OK

Mr. Invisible!
Will he find his Lois Lane?
Mr. Invisible!
How are you playing this game?

[Verse 1]
I'm hardly a hero, I'm more of a zero
I'm more of a gamble and a bad bet: casino
I'm not radio active, I'm not that fantastic
Without a face debonair, I'm not that attractive
I'd love to be like Superman and save the day
But hey, when I fight things don't always go my way
To throw villains in prison, yeah that's my mission
I can see though them without X-ray vision
No I can't fly, but I'll be sure to dress it
I'm not pathetic or invincible, I might need a medic
Credit to reddit for my incredible knowledge
Not a clay man I remain a tad bit more polished
All of your X-men are not lethal weapons
Take a second and tell me before you switch your text plan
There's no S on my chest, I'm not into tights
But I'll promise that I'll return to you every night
You're burning me up girl: call a fireman!
Takumi but I can be your Spider-man
Check your web provider, I can be your tiger
You've shot me down you hawk-eye sniper

Mr. Invisible!
He just wants to save the day
Mr. Invisible!
He just wants to be OK

Mr. Invisible!
Will he find his Lois Lane?
Mr. Invisible!
How are you playing this game?

[Verse 2]
I'll protect you from all the bad guys
And I'll never even think about telling a sad lie
Might not be able to read your mind but surprise
I'll never give up and it won't hurt me to try
I don't know everything, but I'm willing to learn
I didn't just get my strengths, these things I've earned
Though I'm not that fast, I'll still make a dash
And I'll call you as quick as I can, as quick as a flash
Without fancy gadgets, or super-human magic
You might think my powers are lame and tragic
But I'm drastic and bold, I'm brave and untold
With a Midas touch that won't turn you to gold
For you I'll run up in a Blood's crib tonight
And tell him "Sup bud, I'm turning Crip tonight!"
I'll stay in the grave keeper's crypt tonight
All for you: you're my kryptonite
Give me a try, don't leave me in the dust
I'm more than what the say, I'm more than that: trust
Hearing rumors that all of these supers
Are past you measures, well who's holding the ruler?
They've got ultra muscles, they've mutant powers
They can turn time on it's head make minutes into hours
But I'm a little more than comic book antics
I've got a cape around my heart: super romantic

Mr. Invisible!
He just wants to save the day
Mr. Invisible!
He just wants to be OK

Mr. Invisible!
Will he find his Lois Lane?
Mr. Invisible!
How are you playing this game?

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


[Verse 1]
I remember when I let my microphone get dusty
Rusty, rush me, I would not touch b
Felt like the words were dull, the concepts a bore
The metaphors abhor and the content a snore
Got too much hate from one side, some from another
A lot from my mom and a lot from my brothers
Coupled with middle school awkwardness
Though I wanted to author it, they would not pardon it
Self-esteem was asleep in the basement
The lyrics wouldn't fall right back into placement
In a funk, no dunk, flow bunked and stalled
Every night, try to write, but only echoes would call
Not a true voice, never anything real
I was an apparition but I just had to feel
Started being myself, chances I take are a must
Grabbed the mic and I just have to shake the dust

Lose one, let go to get one
Left one, lose some to win some
There's no need to question it: this is how we're answerin'

Find one, hold on to give one
Right one, win one to lose none
Story of a champion, sorry we are champions
We got one.

[Verse 2]
So I sharpened the pen and I started rehearsing
Started working on my game, this drain I wasn't circling
Read up on my sources, regained some lost forces
Conquered and divided foreign courses
Started digging myself: archeologist
Then I started to blow up, nah, I would demolish it
Living in a sauna, yes I've got to holla
Always got my self a steam, return of the proper
No longer playing their games, re-writing the rules
Measured up past their standards: metric tools
Started feeling cool, embracing my knowledge
Polished like fingernails on that punk rock logic
Not a part of the politics, it's never permanent
So I'm a lyrical liberal and an assertive conservative
Whatever I am, whatever I was
I only got here by shaking off the dust

Lose one, let go to get one
Left one, lose some to win some
There's no need to question it: this is how we're answerin'

Find one, hold on to give one
Right one, win one to lose none
Story of a champion, sorry we are champions
We got one.

[Verse 3]
So this last one goes out to anyone listening
To all the lovers out there who aren't bickering
This is for the celibate pedophile, the barista with a smile
And tonight she'll have to walk home 17 miles
For the struggling artist on the brink of quitting
It's not the 9th inning, in a few you'll be winning
For the boy who's choosing to be that high school virgin
And that young woman who's out to be a surgeon
Shaking the dust off, even when you've got a bad boss
So posh and gosh, you'll win more than you have lost
For the girl who looks in the mirror and sees a fat enemy
And for everybody who's cursed past obscenities
To the ones that have been called losers with no where to go
This life is your stage and this is your show
My people out there who are dealing with the loneliness
Keep shooting: the worse thing is that you'll only miss
Every flaw is beautiful, every person is unusual
Break out from the cubicle and try to make it musical
We'll give you an hour past your fifteen minutes
In it, in it, win it, win it, diminished: we'll never be finished
A gift from the wise, a lift from demise
A rift from the pride, a drift from the side
Feel that breeze, you already have a gust
Please just trust: just shake the dust

Lose one, let go to get one
Left one, lose some to win some
There's no need to question it: this is how we're answerin'

Find one, hold on to give one
Right one, win one to lose none
Story of a champion, sorry we are champions
We got one.

Monday, August 8, 2011


[Verse 1]
Sexy, funny, smart, no I don't play those parts
But know that my art comes straight from the heart
Because when I rhyme, I'm never weaponless
I recite with the fury of 19 hundred feminists!
Never minaj, but I speak real witty
So pretty girls, makes me aw-shucks kind of like Mickey
When the eve is at hand, I grasp yours real tight
And of course leave you with a kiss goodnight
You see the twinkle in my left eye? Too polite?
Well I'd rather have this than to argue and fight
I heard that you should never fall in love with a poet
I'm not that or a rap act, just a guy and a way to show it
So I use this muse so maybe I can amuse
Or bemuse the fuse into going before I lose
Light it off ladies, you deserve this true,
Here are the matches: this is for you

These boys keep coming up to me
Fronting like they want to meet
Flattering, but you've got to see
Want me, you gotta play for keeps x2

Don't come up to me with just talk
I want someone who can walk that walk
More than a penny for my thoughts
There's no price-tag, I can't be bought
So make it so I cannot
Forget about you

[Verse 2]
Marilyn Monroe flow, I go with a curtsy
Curse me, first see, I blow like the Windy City
Cold like snow, I know I'm foe to ice
But what I write is Mother Teresa Nice
Though coupled with the wrath of a hundred suffragettes
I beget the regrets on past sets like cigarettes
With a Mona Lisa smile, I charm the audience
Looks can kill? Well I might body it
I go Delano, Theodore, check my metaphor
But I run this behind the scene like Eleanor
Fly in Chinese is pronounced Fei
So beyond say I'm Tina Fey the way I word play
Mama told me there'd be days like this
So I took lessons out of that grocery list
And when she told me everyday to feel blessed
I know it's because she made me the best

These boys keep coming up to me
Fronting like they want to meet
Flattering, but you've got to see
Want me, you gotta play for keeps x2

Don't come up to me with just talk
I want someone who can walk that walk
More than a penny for my thoughts
There's no price-tag, I can't be bought
So make it so I cannot
Forget about you

[Verse 3]
Impossible, improbable, going past unstoppable
Love is such a foolish thing: improvable
How remarkable are those articles?
Analyze until the demise of the last particle
I keep like O'keeffe, I'm a night time thief
Sneaking in the rose garden while you sleep
Wack lyrics are like Zubats, I only repel
But I can tell I know it like the sky's infinite inkwell
I'm in the top five like Chanel, but hell
I'm a beast on these books, sounds like a bell
I'm aerial as I move on past the verials
Don't have burials, I'm beyond secretarial
Sipping jasmine tea so I don't wake sleeping beauties
I'm getting more money than Zelda: rupies
So sheik as I geek on these tracks
But bring it back, my heart is arrest: cardiac

These boys keep coming up to me
Fronting like they want to meet
Flattering, but you've got to see
Want me, you gotta play for keeps x2

Don't come up to me with just talk
I want someone who can walk that walk
More than a penny for my thoughts
There's no price-tag, I can't be bought
So make it so I cannot
Forget about you

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


[Verse 1]
When I heard this beat I didn't know what to write
So I freestyled tonight to help me feel what is right
But what was left was a mish mash of inconsistent
Rhythmic persistence that provided resistance
So my brain spewed out half baked thoughts so lame
And in this game my board is just taking aim
So I'll talk about myself and use an ill comparison
It's embarassin; why are people starin? Cherish it!
Maybe I'll talk about music, yeah lets do it
But if I have to prove it that means I should lose it
Its frustrating as I'm here rhymes lactating
But no direction or dictating, just self-hating
When was the last time you heard a real coherent rhyme?
The lost of dimes in the pocket without grit and grime
When did I consider this my past time?
Without a better way to say it, the only one in line

Maybe in the deepest days
I will find my golden ways
Maybe, truly this is what made me
Break me, not a thing's gonna break me [2x]

Maybe history, let's just talk
Maybe that lifestyle, let it just rock
I'm that kid that's could be hot
Let's see if I'll take it to the spot
But this is what I've been taught
Can't forget about you
(Can't forget about, Can't forget about you) [2x]

[Verse 2]
Maybe I'll take that romance and take a chance
But maybe the tight pants will arise some rants
I've run the track now, no longer in the background
I hit it and split like Manny Pacquiao
And about now is when I switch up my lifestyles
Miles of guile files that go beyond wild
Maybe I rhyme about the ghetto, nah about Othello
I should keep it retro on the metro, riding real special
A King? A Pharaoh? What royal status am I?
Wings? Camoros? What chariot do I ride?
Forget about me? Well forget about you
But it's difficult to do, maybe through and through
Who am I talking to? That's up to the metaphor
Lock yourself in a room and close the door
These concepts to explore are maybe too deep
But maybe you just need a good night of sleep

Maybe in the deepest days
I will find my golden ways
Maybe, truly this is what made me
Break me, not a thing's gonna break me [2x]

Maybe history, let's just talk
Maybe that lifestyle, let it just rock
I'm that kid that's could be hot
Let's see if I'll take it to the spot
But this is what I've been taught
Can't forget about you
(Can't forget about, Can't forget about you) [2x]

[Verse 3]
Impossible, improbable, basically unstoppable
Coming off the top so hot: improvable
How remarkable are all of these articles?
Measured down to last damn particle
Maybe I'm refined and designed like a science
And have all other wack MCs switched off: appliance
But with a rebel alliance I've provided a little force
Of course that is nothing less and never too short
Maybe I'm a Jedi with lyrical flames
Yoda Fire is my game with beasts I've tamed
Beats I've lamed and discreet without names
Lanes I've drained, maybe on a different plane
Maybe I'm too far ahead like a plasma gat
Maybe my rhymes real ill and my songs go blat
Maybe I'll fall flat and then have a lapse
In the end, I can't forget about this and that!

Maybe in the deepest days
I will find my golden ways
Maybe, truly this is what made me
Break me, not a thing's gonna break me [2x]

Maybe history, let's just talk
Maybe that lifestyle, let it just rock
I'm that kid that's could be hot
Let's see if I'll take it to the spot
But this is what I've been taught
Can't forget about you
(Can't forget about, Can't forget about you) [2x]

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Chess Club

[Verse 1]
My rap game phenomenal, abominable, unconquerable
Look at the only rapper up on the honor roll
Intelligence looming high, if you're assuming I
Can't be booming or fly, I'll be rebuking that lie
Penmanship shows in my verbals without restrictions
With an addiction to friction and impeccable diction
You call it swag? Allow me to give some synonyms
I exhibit good mannerisms: brandishing a gentlemen
Looking quite dapper; bow-tie combination
Other musicians couldn't pull this off at graduation
Give congratulations: the ministration of education
Has offered exaltation without a limitation
I walk down the aisle, guile, and every one smiles
Bishops and knights head nod at my style
Substantial but manageable amount of opulence
Kings and Queens at my feet: Vandals on top of it

Working hard today and investing opportunity
Don't just want a piece: I want my whole destiny
If you got it, I'm gonna take it
Weak-hearted, might have to break it

Working hard today and investing opportunity
Don't just want a piece: I want my whole destiny
Get started: revamp the motion
Please pardon my new promotion

[Verse 2]
As I read my books, I get side-way looks: rooks
I'll have these fools babbling like a brook and mistook
Now look, gander, glance, and view what I did here
I invite conventional MCs to get weird
My incantations are vacations of smart minds
When I start speaking it's Revenge of the Nerds part five
En passant, I don't want to flaunt to remain daunt
Because my gaunt mixed font display is a haunt
No savant, just plain and vapid men who've reached an anti-climatic
Problematic and static casket
Certainly the observability of my abilities
Has been displayed in a fashion that shouts properly
Getting on top of me? Well, unfortunately
Your ideology to me is doodles to photography
An 8 by 8 board has never seem so small to me
Controlling an entire kingdom: I must be godly, try to stop me!

Working hard today and investing opportunity
Don't just want a piece: I want my whole destiny
If you got it, I'm gonna take it
Weak-hearted, might have to break it

Working hard today and investing opportunity
Don't just want a piece: I want my whole destiny
Get started: revamp the motion
Please pardon my new promotion

[Verse 3]
Eclipsing your best lines with a joke of mine
That is how far the gap that most have to climb
Realistic and simplistic versions of logistics
Have the statistics seeking the aid of mystics
I've destroyed pawns with the brawn of my mastermind
Write a rhyme to pass the time without reasons asinine
The world is mine for the taking, no I'm not alone
When I'm done I'll be constructing a million other thrones
Sharp concise movements show improvement
Get the cue like poolsticks before we get ruthless
My lateral is diagonal for purposes tactical
Unimaginable radicals are being used: practical
Jokers are the roasters of my posters
Becoming coaster, I heat up my roll: toaster
The King and his men are dressed at his finest
I'm a Hip-Hop Salvador Dali: Timeless

Working hard today and investing opportunity
Don't just want a piece: I want my whole destiny
If you got it, I'm gonna take it
Weak-hearted, might have to break it

Working hard today and investing opportunity
Don't just want a piece: I want my whole destiny
Get started: revamp the motion
Please pardon my new promotion

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Chapter IX

[Verse 1]
Middle school awkwardness, please let me author this
Pardon it, when it comes to romanticism I'm the martyr kid
Ask a girl, strike out. Ask a girl, strike out
Tears roll down, lights out. Pen down rhymes, mic clout
Never did I understand why they shy away from me
So I started illustrating poetry just to feel comforting
The stanzas turn to verses, it evolved into lyrics
All the while asking girls if they wanna wanna kick-kick it
Buck teeth, baggy jeans, persona wanna be gangster
Wanna be with someone else, but loneliness was my answer
You told me that girls at this age were immature
Didn't know what they want, were never ever very sure
Regardless of that fact, the odds against me stacked
Apples of my eye left me alone at the windows: mac
You told me someone would appreciate me later, didn't forget
Still, tell me this, are they are they there yet?

[Chorus] (Repeated)
Tell me, are they there yet?

[Verse 2]
Then I met a girl, the special one I thought for sure
For her, she had that X factor and made my heart stir
Shorty was a ten and every cliche in the books
She got my heart took, look, now she got a new fish on a hook
During the summer, sent messages back and forth: ping pong
Scribbling down tentative writtens for her: sing songs
Heard all her problems, stayed up with her and the stars
I thought by far out all the guys in her life I was up by par
But of course it never works that way, I didn't see her strings
On this chess board she had more moves and I was just a King
A court jester, a fool, all rolled into one neat package
But you brightened up the blackness, no way to match this
Even went mask-less and showed her my real face
Though I stayed in that friend zone, that's what I call Myspace
At so many times it seemed we were going to get together
Weathered through the worse storms waiting for it to get better
Experiencing angst, love, jealousy and rage for the first time
You got me to mic check, pen lines and started me to rhyme
You said you wasn't ready for me, girl, get a headcheck
I'm still wondering: are you are you there yet?

[Chorus] (Repeated)
Tell me, are you there yet?

[Verse 3]
My stance with women is a difficult and strange one
Many times I thought son was done and was looking for fun
But I got that commitment schedule agenda in my brain
Equipped with a persistent module that will not change
My head's in the clouds, my thoughts are in the sky
Getting carried away just to past the time: fly
Planning invisible plots in my head for fake girlfriends
Creating magical presents for no one: desolate Merlin
Hopeless with focus, and never a bogus romantic
Writing lyrics on paper airplanes: poetry in motion and other antics
Falling half in love with girls as they walk by
Swing their hips, no lie, my heart fried, girl let me testify!
Give me the green light lady, I'm always revving to go
This yellow boy will be mellow unless you want the red hots, oh!
I pass you line after line if you want: bar codes
Or I can speak on your presence divine with a choir sung slow
Give me time to think, in a blink, you wink, my heart sinks
You've got me tattooing words on my skin with Sharpie ink
Making me put in work like W=F of S
Express your stress to me, I'd like to less that mess
Be childish: Gambino. I'm a home-run: Bambino
What's the reason? I see no. I've the heart of a lion: Leo!
Stringing along words, but what is regret?
I'm uncertainty personified: tell me am I there yet?

[Chorus] (Repeated)
Tell me am I there yet?

[Outro] (Repeated)
Tell me, is anyone there yet?

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

It's All About Location!

[Verse 1]
I spit classical like Bach, Mozart and Beethoven
Never home alone: who's Macaulay Culkin?
Writing texts that last through the ages
I'm the Hawthorne of rap through my pages
Slaying vampires, ghouls, zombies and all sorts of haunts
I scroll across the world and whip chains: Belmont
Even if these ladd's use addition or Division
It still driven that I'm very gold: Jeremy Piven
Strong as an oak, but I respect the past and its ash
I'm the very best, try to take my path
This boy loves joy, and I bring in the noise
I leave out the funk, but add some dunks to the poise
Stepping in the scene, transforms to Woodstock
Far out, bars clout, I'm about that good talk
That should rock the bells and it rings true to thee
I foster parent these beats, that's just me
Never starting over, I hit the mike again: Posner
Then do it more proper and monster: Grover
Eating quakers for breakfast, getting nutrition
Bread and Ink is all I need for this mission
But I splurge on the verge for a delicatessen
So good it'll make an elephant have wings! Such a blessin'
I take it to the max, on the lam in the tram
I slam and bam to go improper of my surname: damn!
The rhymes from my hood mount and if I count
All the haters in the realm it would amount to doubt
So I scale the ranges, yeah, over nine thousand
Once I'm on top I make Fire on the Mountain
Then I pass through Hole Gates 007 style
See the aperture? This rapper sir travels all the miles
Just to see those Hollywood lights! Golly good sights!
But I'm climbing even higher, tally stood heights!
With a work ethic industrial, I'm indestructible
Green light, red light: my visual signal
I steal broadway even with burns on my side
Just to make my presence a little more dignified
With swift kicks I press fit and out class districts
Words mystic with underwater bars: fishsticks
Without cardinal sins, I'm quite linked in
At the drop of a pin, I summon and win: Merlin
Right about now laying down Marshall law
Just treat it like comma, please just pause
Conquering more land from here to Mississippi
This is my city and the roses are so pretty

That's the Ticket

I'm Gatsby that can rap b! Rhyming over track heat
A Dwight Shrute in Hip Hop, dropping mad beets
Picasso flow that I mastered in my basement
I'm rearranging the alphabet for optimal placement
Stacking ammunition from a literary position
I'm scribblin tactical plans and top secret missions
I'm more than a string of fists, multiply by nine
You'll see people waiting single file: THAT'S a punchline
At my place you Joe's twitter your thumbs
Composing paragraphs in seconds making you sound so dumb
I'm not a rapper, just an author in rhyming
With rhythmic meters and cadences for different timing
With a lotto flow, you love to take a chance on me
So calmly I bomb these policies to win this lottery
Must be in Portland because surrounded by bars
Hitting the jackpot: the winning numbers are...

3, 2, 1: let's go!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


MCL makes me excel
MCL makes my mind turn well
MCL makes me tell
That I'm reaching something stellar

MCL helps me be
MCL helps me breath
MCL helps me see
Views from others differently

[Verse 1]
Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter
From the advanced experts to the beginners
We start here, a diamond in the rough
This is the stuff that makes geniuses come up
Walk through the glass entrance, underneath arches
You're surrounded by lore and volumes of parchment
The aroma in the air is of crisp paper and silence
From social, political, and physical science
Cultures ranging from the Spartan to the Mayans
We got it here at the Multnomah book alliance
The triumvirate of triumphant resilience
Un-tiresome is the pursuit of brilliance
The chase for intelligence, the search for knowledge
Come over here to keep your mind polished
Stay quiet though, scholars and creating masterpieces
This is the library: the preface to the thesis

MCL makes me excel
MCL makes my mind turn well
MCL makes me tell
That I'm reaching something stellar

MCL helps me be
MCL helps me breath
MCL helps me see
Views from others differently

That's the Multnomah County Library

Roses and Thorns

[Verse 1]
Welcome to the City of Roses and Thorns
We adorn the scorn and the mass of porn
Lovely ladies draped across shady signs
Beats wrapped in coffee grinds dipped in rhymes
The bookworm paradise, home to Powell's
Nerds, birds, observe the roosters and owls
We've got so many Outbacks, mistaken for down under
But we're the emerald gem, North West wonder
Let me touch on a few beloved locations
Out of towners come to us for their prized vacations
Home of the green, in every definition
Wreckin' the repetition of a hip competition

[Verse 2]
Downtown beauty, picture perfect
Move down here and stay a while, it'll be worth it
Lents, Woodstock, Sellwood and Moreland
We'd love you here, parenthesis, colon
A mecca of culture, a melting pot reinvented
We say what we mean, and we really meant it
Our personality is sunny, our weather is rainy
We keep Portland funny, and we keep it brainy
Bring in the PBR and just trim the beard
This is PDX and we make it cool to be weird
Sit back, relax, grab someone near and dear
I'll be your tour guide, and I'm glad your here

Monday, June 27, 2011

Social Media Revolution (Part II: ForTheWin)

Yo. I'm a mac like I got no windows
But I got that tight for the win flow
So, when I rhyme like this slow
You know I just wanna go toe to toe
I'm looking out the window on a vista
View so beautiful I'll take a pictuah
Click. The noise from my camera shutter
The noise you mice make as you mutter
I got this like I work for Apple
Get it? No? Note the vowels cause iGrapple
iShuffle, iTune, iDo it less than soon
iPhone into my brain just like a cartoon
iResume inside my Zune, listen to the boom
Vroom-Vroom, when I step inside the room
Breaking windows and walls, I cannot be stopped
Who's representing? Takumi the Firefox

Now let me switch up the style of rapping
I hope you like all that computer tapping
I'm importin' like my name is Norton
Since you're a virus I'm mad important
I'm not the player, I'm a Windows Media Slayer
I kill the beat bittersweet like John Mayer
Big ups to my boy Sonic the Hedgehog
I like the blogs, let's play the game like Pogs
I'll log in with my username and password
Gotta stay protected, they get on my nerves
I set up walls made of fire, pillars of pyre
I'm a live wire, you get all this satire?
Cause even with the King and all his Men
I put you to sleep, stand by now and then
On my desk top are the makings of Hip Hop
I press you squares if I want you to stop
I'm an Explorer inside this Safari
If this is too savage and vicious then I'm sorry
I take AIM to destroy the lame and shame
They don't know who I am, so I say my name
Then I explain so they don't ask "Yeah who?"
Instead they say "Listen to him. Yeah you too!"
I write with keyboards, sometimes pens
It's done: I shut the game down again!

Social Media Revolution

What's the new revolution? Here it is
Social Media's evolution has become limitless
What's the new revolution? Here it is
Social Media's evolution has become limitless

[Verse 1]
How many of you listening have a Facebook account?
If I'm not mistook, the count is 700 mil now
50 percent of the earth's population is under
the age of Thirty, say goodbye to the ancients
Out of a hundred, 96 of the millennials
Have begun networking. Soon it'll be the entire centennial
Social Media has taken over the internet
Topping off pornography as it's direct effect
Let's take the great devices that we once used
It took television 13 years to get 50 million views
4 years for internet and 3 for iPods
Less than one year for Facebook, here's the jaw drop:
Even though this is to the bucket a drop
How many people did Facebook got?
1 year with a grand 200 million people
Without much to say, Social Media is without equal

What's the new revolution? Here it is
Social Media's evolution has become limitless
What's the new revolution? Here it is
Social Media's evolution has become limitless

[Verse 2]
Both Ashton Kutcher and Britney Spears, believe it
More Twitter followers than all of Sweden
What stays in Vegas, stays in Vegas
Not to mention Facebook, Flickr, and Youtube: Rate it!
As I speak, 100 hours of video will be uploaded
15 million articles have been written and posted
Onto the new Encyclopedia: that's Wikipedia
Think of all the money to be made off this media?
If I was paid a dollar for every single article
I'd make $1712 dollars an hour, that's marketable!
With a sea and ocean of blogs and thoughts
Newspaper is out of date, the thickening plot
Word of mouth is out, it's the World of Mouth
Surf the web or drown, but you can't get out
Click the refresh and open a now browser
Ad corporations aren't in charge: we have the power

What's the new revolution? Here it is
Social Media's evolution has become limitless
What's the new revolution? Here it is
Social Media's evolution has become limitless

[Verse 3]
I crash down Torrents of info in this flow
So my socio eco knows LOL u mad bro
Zipping past files while moving through miles
Of fiber optics, I've opted this boom like Guile
I'm spitting mediafire and a to z shares
I'm well aware that these pirates are playing fair with fare
My bandcamp has got a sound that will touch clouds
Sound pounding down that could Digg underground
Check the status, they're less than 140 characters
They're derringers to this harbinger of merits sir
Knock me down and I'll only Tumbl
But remaining humble, I'll stumble back to rumble
In your windows and media I seem a player
But in reality I respectfully just meme a hater
I've got the keys and there's a password involved
The revolution revolves around the Internets call

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Max Power

You're like a bicycle, two tired to stand
You can't understand, the jokes are too grand
The days for you are numbered, I call you calendar
This will be more rational than regular integers
I'm like a broken harp with one string left
Always b sharp, so this punk is daft and deft
You're stuck with me like huge credit debt
Meaning you can't budge it, it keeps you in check
Haters are plateaus: high forms of flattery
And I'm NaCL and power: a salt and battery
Eating up time, I'm going back four seconds
I'm a slingshot in class: a math distraction weapon
You're not in this song you couldn't find the key!
I got it locked down in arrest like clogged arteries
I'm hard to beat, hard-boiled egg swag
You've got bad connections: sure to lag
They got bad shoes, suffering of de feet
You Halloween me: always eager to treat
But I got this bill, no need to gate me
Oh wait, your hypothesis is contradicting: it's negating
I'm great debating, call me a Master
I'm mastering like an engineer master as Vassar
With my photo flow, I'm fully developed
I've relished you mustering the strength the catchup
Staying stationary while pushing the envelope
You dopes hang onto my every word like a rope
Just to cope, I'll cane you like candy or Citizens
Because you need to calm down! Take some Ritalin
Riddle them with a need to know basis
Like bakers have taken this track and made it
I'm a man driving a full metal train mixed with a storm drain and a magnetic lane:
A good conductor, and it struck her
With a light bulb over her head
But she upper sits in my boxcar bed
And instead, she doesn't dread my puns
She helps me round them up with fresh pies and buns
Love me like whiskey lovers, love me still
I'm a sick and dead giveaway: I'm ill will
I'm a book on anti-gravity: impossible to put down
I'm like a marriage: a new name, a dress and gown
A backward poet that writes inverse
I'm worth more than Prada Boxing: more than the purse
Blackout in my symbiote suit
Or like Metallica: you're very astute
I been savage like when Boy Meets World
Been precious when I met her sister: Mother of pearl
So magical while I drive these cars
I turn into driveways and crash into bars
I'm getting over this like my fear of hurdles
I'm spitting over these tracks: HACK and gurgle
This is tense like the future, past and present
This is in tents like fires in circus' presence
This might hurt like seconds to the minus one
But in the end, it's all in good pun

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


[Verse 1]
First name Word, Last name Smith
Forging together lines in perfect synthesis
As simple as this? As complex as that
Come stress my rap and I'll come bless your track
I am a stroke of genius, a touch of talent
Endless and seamless, this gauntlet: no challenge
A dash of brilliance, a glimmer of resilience
If you ever measure this it'll read in the billions
Louder than a bomb, refined like a psalm
Past the calm, CD ROMs, all in my palm
Submerge the verse in a dirge of excellence
The malevolent resident I turn benevolent
Listen to the literary structures, I'm an architect
It's hard to test how far I will go, so take a rest
Lyrical Liberal, Assertive Conservative
I'm the best of every world, I've already learned this

[Verse 2]
I state the facts and the stats, not the opposite of back
I don't front, you hacks just fade to black
The making of a monster: please witness
The goblin of wittiness is back, open for business
A legendary creature: I'm already aware
Never secondary feature, this stage I cannot share
Frankenstein and Einstein in my mind
Once upon a rhyme till the end of time I'm sublime
Godzilla mixed Trilla, so much presence
Guerrilla and Manila Thrilla warfare: check the evidence
Never heard a diss! They fear this thing
On every track I slay and pack: I Van Helsing
You cannot fathom the chasm: peer in the dark
My mouth fires darts that are sure to hit the mark
Not understood in literal juxtaposition
Look at my composition: there is not competition

[Verse 3]
Level up! It's just the nature of the beast
I learn more, gain more. Knowledge never cease
On this mic I explode, I melt a la mode
My wordplay code takes years to unload
Mastered the metaphors and the punchlines
The champ making good time, knock you out blind
Expertness Asian, peep my equation
Conversation plus concentration equals premier presentation
I've found new ways to convey the same thing
My spaceship wings allow me to be an Upperground King
You might be fly but my status: intergalactic
Prophylactic addicts listen and become so passive
I light up the scene with cameras, then I take action
A fraction of my passion can be anything you imagine
I take root in the booth like birds getting roost
This right here: Egotistical SWAG BOOST!

Sunday, June 12, 2011


As I walk through, mirages are sure to follow
But they burn up their time that is borrowed
As I walk through, mirages are sure to follow


[Verse 1]
Time to blow up kind of like circus balloons
Spitting like saloons this kid didn't come a minute too soon
He a loon, a cartoon, well I space jam
Intergalactic fruit on my toast, I don't go ham
Patented, imagine this, listen to this rapper bliss
So holy just some Swiss, so foul it's blasphemous
I'm laying down land-rhymes that in time
The people will step on and feel my mind
My explosions of emotions will reach past corrosion
Into your brain and of course into your motions
I eat power, devour strength and dynamite
The rhymes are bright that you won't need a light
A glow that illuminates the entire skyline
A fireball in the Northwest, brought to you Primetime

I'm about to blow up just like explosions
I'm about to blow up call it Typhlosion
I'm about to blow up, I'm melting all the rust
I'm about to blow up, I'm the heat that you can trust

I'm about to blow up like Hot Air Balloons
I'm about to blow up like classic Looney Tunes
I'm about to blow up like I've been stressed out
I'm about to blow up, check the flames out my mouth

[Verse 2]
Everything I throw up, blows up, so what?
This beat makes me feel like a full adult man: grown up
Combustion verses with concussion curses
I'm self-destructive trying to get out my purpose!
Feeling amped, feel the champ flow through my camp
I've got a style none can touch, call it broken lamp
I lay blasts in the grass, the mass of gas, alas!
That fiery inferno is hotter than Satan's ass
Now pass, on some ill lines comparing me to the devil
Well it's quite special that my treble's like medical
It heals, it feels, it's basically a ritual
Past habitual, this blows up in your mind, becoming critical
Feel the flames through your physical frame
And let it burn into your spiritual plane
To all my fans out there, to every show goer
Watch my mouth: by now it's a flame thrower!
Heat rises, so I'm never going lower
I'm higher than the grass, call me a lawn mower
Pardon this arduous, ignited microphone
I'm melting the roof off, step off the brimstone
I've been blown, unknown, but about to spread
Like wildfire, but instead, it's heating your head
Pumping lead, magma and lava through this saga
Of embers burning through December with more chakra
Propane flow, I'm the reason for higher gas prices
I give life to the lifeless and I blaze through every crisis
I'm playing with fire to stay warm, such a genius
Let me rise from the ashes, call me the Phoenix

I'm about to blow up just like explosions
I'm about to blow up call it Typhlosion
I'm about to blow up, I'm melting all the rust
I'm about to blow up, I'm the heat that you can trust

I'm about to blow up like Hot Air Balloons
I'm about to blow up like classic Looney Tunes
I'm about to blow up like I've been stressed out
I'm about to blow up, check the flames out my mouth

As I walk through, mirages are sure to follow
But they burn up their time that is borrowed
As I walk through, mirages are sure to follow
But they burn up their time that is borrowed

I'm about to blow up just like explosions
I'm about to blow up call it Typhlosion
I'm about to blow up, I'm melting all the rust
I'm about to blow up, I'm the heat that you can trust

I'm about to blow up like Hot Air Balloons
I'm about to blow up like classic Looney Tunes
I'm about to blow up like I've been stressed out
I'm about to blow up, check the flames out my mouth

Friday, June 10, 2011


My treasured raps are under treacherous wraps
The measured of that is far beyond a pestilent gap
Spending pesos, rocking gold halos, richer than mako
Check out the cake yo, shinin' makes the day glow
Crack open the box of words and valuable, malleable
Verses that is far beyond the mind of any valley girl
The euros are forceful in the way they stay stacked
Like my odds against any handed or random track
Orated for high debated and elated salaries
None should challenge me or battle me, I rattle beats
For this paper, cut like scissors and then I rock
Do me a favor: since I'm runnin' like blisters, get off my jock
I deal in stocks, past dollars and change: beans to me
Seems to we that the money we provide is keen to be
Residing in my pockets making the star of this project
Let me profit, check the dockets, peep the gold locket

[Chorus] x2
I remember back living on Hard Times Avenue
The humble up rising made me a badder dude
Now it's gold paved ways here on Easy Street
And I still got the technique to make it complete

Rupees aren't new to me, they actually prove to be
Truthfully, a newly way to pay up your duties to me
Honestly, I'm not actually one to talk a lot about wealth
But I did it for myself, despite the cards dealt
I had pocket 7s and a ten in my hand, damn
Made the ten into a man, bam, what did I land?
Got me a queen, upgraded to a king
Laid the cards down and it earned me my things
Yeah, it's all chance in cards with that probability
But it doesn't hurt when you've got massive ability
The stability of my artillery is actually really
Silly because it's beyond the value of a real soliloquy
The merit of this is 24 karat, flier than a parrot
Acid from the larynx, more confidence than arrogance
Without a therapist, still carry it in various
Areas of when he's riding on 24 inch chariots

[Chorus] x2
I remember back living on Hard Times Avenue
The humble up rising made me a badder dude
Now it's gold paved ways here on Easy Street
And I still got the technique to make it complete

Monday, June 6, 2011

Atticus Finch

Splatter artistically with no mystery, check my history
Swagger dapper and faster than all you dissing me
Jersey boys playing games, it's a shame, in my domain
I reign, pull out the hood, I came and Blained
David Copperfield with the hotter feel and with an otter peel
I rhyme slicker and sicker than when your daughter's ill
Viruses and vices written on papyruses without a pious kick
But catch holy ghosts when I write this bit, switch
Multiple roller bowls that buff up like Nathan Fuller knows
Pull her and dole the sir and hoarder of the boarder stir
Syllabic and mix the lyrics and civics with chiclet bits
And you get a tick that flick the wick quicker if I remain ticketless
Add the funky synthetics and the medics will get pathetic
Check the credit, cred this if you met it and let it flow: electric
I'm every element and seasonal condition with intuition
Suspicion stiffens lift it like Michelin in Dunder Miflin
Crevices in your microphone I turn into canyons
My companions are landin' down being shot outta cannons
Brief the chief on the leaf and you will see no more beef
And the thief will be in keeps with me because the words between my teeth
Indebted, accepted, exception with the perception of embedded this
Adjust my wire frames and my suit. Call it Atticus Finch, call it adequate at it's finest
But I have to rhyme this so timeless. Everyone around me is spineless
Mortal Kombat on wombats. Hit them with a bomb stat
The calm that calls back and chomps fat destroying every thermostat
Check the damn monitors, the pedometer, and the auditors
Everything going crazy or getting sloppy sir, it's on my nerves
Dragon fangs, Alex Dang, boom boom bang, bring it back: boomerangs
Dragon fangs, Alex Dang, boom boom bang
Hworang, Battle bane, get him slain, I am mentally un-contained, bring it back: boomerangs
Dragon fangs, Alex Dang, boom boom bang
Hworang, Battle bane, get him slain, I am mentally un-contained, bring it back: boomerangs
Hworang, Battle bane, get him slain, I am mentally un-contained

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Space Dust

Everyday a star is born x2

[Verse 1]
MC Nebula just some dust in space
But I am every stars birth place
Before they can even take shape
I am the first entity and beginning state
I am made up of mainly hydrogen gasses
Interstellar clouds that are too massive
Couple million years, not too passive
You can't rush beautiful art: classic

[Verse 2]
Protostar is born from the nebula
This step by far is quite regular
Surrounded by a planetary disk
It's all in the wrist, I rotate like this:
Pizza dough thrown in the air up high
Flatten me out then I contract, sigh
Depending on my mass, I have a few choices
But I won't speak on that, hear new voices

Everyday a star is born x2

[Verse 3]
Main-Sequence, hence, the main event
The majority of every stars life went
To me. Currently, your sun, is me
And if, you see, it burns, brightly
What I do is I act like a nuclear reactor
The size is a factor, but just like an actor
I contract and expand, so understand
If I have more to burn, I burn fast man

[Verse 4]
Red Giant is stomping down now
My star layers start to puff out, pow
And I increase in size, swallowing all
Planets, meteors, get destroyed by this ball
Engulfing everything nearby
This is my stage before my demise
All my energies get gassed up and flies
Then my core remains and I wait and die

Everyday a star is born x2

[Verse 5]
Your sun will eventually turn to me
White dwarf representing now, B
Just the white hot core left in space
Small in size, but my heat is great
Cooling down slowly, just the furnace
No more gas to work with, worthless
This star will eventually burn out
White dwarf here, too hot and stout

[Verse 6]
But if the star is larger in its appearance
Supernova happens with no interference
The pressure from inside the star
Finally breaks free and I explode very far
Lightyears away but the Earth can see me
Brighter than anything, but only rarely
And in the center of this galactic occurrence
I leave 1 of 2 things without further disturbance

Everyday a star is born x2

[Verse 7]
One of the supernovas last remnants
A neutral star as its last resident
Call me Neutron, I'm finally balanced
And lifting me up is a cosmic challenge
The densest thing that any one can imagine
I am proof that a supernova happened
Gravity has made me very dense
But even more mass makes it more intense

[Verse 8]
That's when I come in, the final frontier
I baffle scientists, make the quake in fear
My peers of the stars consider me Death
After me there is nothing. Nothing is left
The Black Hole, a portal destructive in nature
The harbinger of doom, I am not a savior
Greater than gravity, check the strategy
I absorb even light: nothing escapes me

Everyday a star is born x2
They claim they bring the truth, with all respect due
I say boo on you, and dude, don't mislead us youth
I call em false prophets trying to profit
Please stop it as we try to crop out the gossip
We don't like all this talking of nothing, give us that credit
So I represent the new generation of true epics
No false advertising, just mind enterprising
Ideals reminding of what could be comprising
So without a false start, I'm on my way
But the critics call this a gimmick, silly games they play
My vocals has those lines that producers sample
Words dripping superb that's hard to handle
That's why they only take away just a few of my bars
Off the chain, it'll break this game, pump through the cars
Stupendous and tremendous, look at it go
Flying higher than jets on percosets: falsetto flow
Ascending like medicines prices, kung-fu righteous
Pharmaceutical musical: ill lines. Priceless
No need for a test, this isn't a false positive
A true negative is what all of the lobbyists did
Which I am far from, no need for the politics, kid
Even the snobbiest copy cats are trying to mock this
I never gave a false impression, stick to the basics
Artistic like mosaics, keep the doubters in stasis
Under false pretenses, they say I act pretentious
Because I mentioned and activated being sentient
I am Flobot, a Asimov ahead of his time
I am Optimus, the one that brings it in the rhyme
The only way they're in the hood is if a car struck them
Why spit for the streets when they don't want phlegm?
Under this falsehood, wack rappers act not good
Misunderstood? I doubt it so it'll be should

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

New Kicks On the Block

[Verse 1]
Step by step, in line, on time, check
Swoosh by on the ground yet fly, yes
Crack open the box. On my feet I rock stocks
My own hundred dollar investments a pop
Belonging in a candy shop with the sweet cream
Send me a dream or wrap me in Supreme
This is the A plus life plus a little extra lights
Hit the spot, no drop, get a little extra hype
Completes the set, set me back a few, no regret
With this I let everyone know that I am the best
From the chest to the toe, no one can say no
It is well known that the attire is flown
Synonymous with an avalanche opposite
Rockin' in the prophet's front seat like an Optimus
No negatrons can call me wrong from dusk till dawn
I shine like the image I made in the last line on

New kicks on the block *repeat*

[Verse 2]
Taking over corporately so appropriately
I'm proportionally similar to J verbally
So futuristic without ballistics on statistics
No need for specifics, listen to this gifted sickness
All desires I deem are supercilious
But I still fulfill it like Prince Maximilian
Areas devoted in dense audience stages
I praised it like sages to be advantageous
But hey that's just the way that I made it
I laid it so laden without get jaded, so replay it
Hit em with the remix just to play me twice
But you'll never play me thrice, I'm a verse without vice
The cutting edge of the sword's sharp side
I'm a new spin on the wheel's re-redesign
With this fresh, new, in-dated related way
I say that these new kicks on the block's here to stay

New kicks on the block *repeat*

New kicks on the block
New face on the tick tock
New tie for them to gawk
New beats for them to rock